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Canyon Ministries offers Grand Canyon River Trips, allowing adventurers to experience the stunning beauty of a winding river cutting through a deep canyon. The steep, layered walls exhibit shades of brown and red, while the riverbanks are dotted with greenery. The glistening water under the sunlight highlights the breathtaking landscape that awaits exploration.

Christian Leaders Trip – Resources

We’re thankful you were able to join us for the Christian Leaders Trip!

Below are links to various CLT resources that address many of the topics we discussed during our week together, and perhaps a few more.  Please feel free to study and share these resources, and don’t hesitate to contact us with any questions you may have. Many of the resources listed here are available at Answers in Genesis, especially at Answers.tv, which has thousands of videos for kids, teens, and adults.




For a good short summary of why we should not follow the scientific majority in their dogmatic claims about origins, see this article by Andrew Snelling: How Could Most scientists Be Wrong?

Below we list a few of the 130 questions addressed in the 4-volume New Answers Book, (all of which are free to read on the AiG web site here, here, here and here).  The location of the question/answer is listed as volume#:chapter# (e.g., 1:5)  In some cases, the chapters are also linked to the place on the AiG web site, where they can be freely downloaded.

If you are interested in the question of:

  • What are the 10 best evidences for a young earth?  See this article and its links.
  • How can we see stars and galaxies that are millions of light-years away, if the universe is only 6000 years old?   See 1:19.
  • How did the animals spread all over the earth (including marsupials to Australia) after the Flood?  See 1:11.
  • What really happened to the dinosaurs?   See 1:12.
  • Where do the ice ages fit into the young-earth creation view?   See 1:16.
  • How did the amazingly designed attack and defense structures in animals come about?   See 1:21.
  • Did humans evolve from ape-like creatures?  See 2:8. For more depth, see chapter 8 & chapter 9 in Terry Mortenson, ed., Searching for Adam (Master Books, 2016).
  • What about the similarities between human and chimp DNA?   See 3:10 and this and this. See also see chapter 10 in Terry Mortenson, ed., Searching for Adam (Master Books, 2016)
  • What are the created “kinds” in Genesis 1?   See 3:4 and this and this and this.
  • Is there a gap for the millions of years somewhere between Gen. 1:1 and 1:3?   See 1:5.  The most thorough refutation of the gap theory is Weston Fields’ book, Unformed and Unfilled (Burgener Enterprises, 1997).
  • How did the Grand Canyon form?  See 3:18.
  • Why don’t we find human and dinosaur fossils together? See 1:13
  • Doesn’t the order of fossils in the rock record favor long ages? See 2:31


Two good periodicals are the quarterly family-oriented Answers Magazine, presenting articles for all ages on creation and the biblical worldview, and the free Answers Research Journal, a peer-reviewed online technical journal.

Millions of years of death before the Fall?  On the biblical evidence that rules out millions of years of animal death, disease, extinction and other natural evil, see Terry Mortenson, “The Fall and the Problem of Millions of Years of Natural Evil,” Journal of Ministry & Theology 16, no. 1 (Spring 2012): 122–58, on the web here, which expands on what he taught on the subject in Grand Canyon.

For a critique of William Dembski’s theodicy proposal of how to accept millions of years of animal death, disease and extinction before Adam sinned and still believe that all this natural evil is the result of God’s judgment after Adam’s sin, consider this article.  At the end of that article (in the Postscript) is reference to and documentation of Tom Nettles’ excellent critique of Dembski’s theodicy. Nettles is Professor of Historical Theology at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky.  Also cited in the post-script is David Allen’s response to Nettles (Allen is Dean of the School of Theology at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary where Dembski was at the time a professor) as well as Nettles’ insightful response back to Allen.  Given the endorsement of Dembski’s book by many very well known apologists, theologians and other Christian leaders, it is important to understand the criticisms of his argument.

Steve Boyd’s in-depth, 104-page, statistical analysis of the verbs of Genesis 1:1-2:3 showing conclusively that it is historical narrative, not poetry is at on the ICR website.

A theological/exegetical defense of young-earth creationism suitable for seminary courses but accessible to thoughtful lay readers are the fourteen-author work edited by Terry Mortenson and Thane H. Ury, Coming to Grips with Genesis: Biblical Authority and the Age of the Earth (Master Books, 2008), and Andrew Kulikovsky, Creation Fall, Restoration: A Biblical Theology of Creation (Mentor, 2009).  Kulikovsky is Australian and the book is his MA thesis (Louisiana Baptist University).

Terry Mortenson gives a critique of the old-earth views of three leading systematic theology texts in Systematic Theology Texts and the Age of the Earth: A Response to the Views of Erickson, Grudem, and Lewis and Demarest. This paper was mentioned in one of his talks in the Canyon.  Among other things, it shows these excellent theologians’ lack of understanding of the role of philosophical assumptions in the interpretation of scientific evidence and the unrecognized conflict between their belief that there was no natural evil before the Fall and their acceptance of millions of years.

Why many Christian leaders and scholars don’t believe Genesis documents the statements of many respected Christian leaders and scholars which reveal that the primary (or a very important) reason that they don’t believe what Genesis appears to say about creation, the Flood and the age of the earth is because “science” or the “scientific data” or “scientific research” is contrary to the plain meaning of some or all of Gen. 1-11.

In the debate in the church over the age of the creation, is inerrancy the issue or is it hermeneutics?  Evangelical theologians, scientists, and laypeople often dogmatically insist that their rejection of young-earth creation is not an issue of inerrancy (which they passionately affirm) but merely a question of the correct interpretation of Scripture.  In the DVD lecture Inerrancy & the Undermining of Biblical Authority, Terry Mortenson presents his reasons for rejecting this claim.

Ken Ham and Terry Mortenson provide a critique of an article by JP Moreland, a famous American evangelical philosopher, and apologists, advocating the acceptance of millions of years.  Among other things the critique explains why Gleason Archer was mistaken in his view that too much happened on the 6th Day of creation for it to be 24 hours (therefore Archer held to the day-age view) and why Moreland is mistaken in arguing that the Bible teaches (“if we take it literally”) that there are “four corners of the earth” (a claim which contributes to Moreland’s rejection of the young-earth interpretation of Genesis).

The Eastern Orthodox Church Fathers were essentially young-earth creationists prior to the 19th century and they believed that the days of creation were literal but also served as a figurative representation of the future (after creation week) 6000 years of history.  See this review of a book by a prominent American Eastern Orthodox monk.

On the role of Ancient Near-Eastern literature in the interpretation of Genesis see John N. Oswalt, The Bible Among the Myths: Unique Revelation or Just Ancient Literature? (Zondervan, 2009).  Oswalt, an expert on ANE texts, demonstrates that the worldview of the pagan nations around ancient Israel is diametrically opposed to the biblical worldview on at least 10 critical points.  See also Todd Beall’s chapter in Coming to Grips with Genesis.

For a biblical and theological critique of John Sailhamer’s view of Genesis 1 (that Genesis 1:1 is describing the creation of everything and the rest of the chapter is describing the creation of the Garden of Eden, which is the Promise Land), see Andrew Kulikovsky’s book review here.

See also chapter 7 in James Jordan, Creation in Six Days (Canon Press, 1999).  The chapters of this book critique several other old-earth views (including C. John Collins’ “analogical days” view and the “framework” views of Meredith Kline and Bruce Waltke).

For a critique of John Walton’s view that Genesis 1 describes the inauguration of creation as a cosmic temple and doesn’t give us any information about how or when God created the material world, see Trevor Craigen, Review of The Lost World of Genesis One by John Walton, The Master’s Seminary Journal Vol 21:2 (Fall 2010), pp. 261–63 (available at here).

For a critique of John Lennox, Seven Days that Divide the World (2011), see this AiG article.

For an analysis of the views of Genesis 1 in several leading Genesis commentaries (by Gordon Wenham, Victor Hamilton, Kenneth Matthews, Bruce Waltke, John Walton and C. John Collins) see this AiG article.

For a critique of the old-earth views on Genesis of R.C. Sproul, John Piper, D.A. Carson, Michael Horton, and Timothy Keller, See this AIG article.

For a critique of Hugh Ross’s view of Genesis 1, see this AiG article. For a book-length scientific and biblical critique of Ross’s old-earth, day-age view, see Jonathan Sarfati, Refuting Compromise.

Andrew Snelling’s 2-volume work, Earth’s Catastrophic Past: Geology, Creation and the Flood (Institute for Creation Research, 2009), updates and greatly expands the biblical and geological arguments in Morris and Whitcomb’s The Genesis Flood (R&R Publishing, 1961).  No old-earth creationist can responsibly ignore this work resulting from 30 years of geological research.  It contains extensive sections on radiometric dating and deals with many geological formations that old-earth geologists claim require millions of years to form.  Snelling also has a DVD lecture series on these subjects.

Terry Mortenson, The Great Turning Point: The Church’s Catastrophic Mistake on Geology—Before Darwin (Master Books, 2004) is a shortened version of his PhD thesis and explains how the millions of years idea developed in the early 19th century on the basis of using anti-biblical (deistic and atheistic) naturalistic, uniformitarian assumptions to interpret the rocks.  The book focuses on a number of Christian authors who became known as the “Scriptural geologists” and wrote biblical, philosophical and geological arguments against the old-earth views and the various Christian attempts to harmonize millions of years with Genesis (e.g., day-age, gap, local flood views). An 80-minute lecture based on this research is Millions of years: the idea’s unscientific origin and catastrophic consequences.

On the evolutionist belief in multiple ice-ages over the course of millions of years, see creationist meteorologist Mike Oard’s DVD lecture, The Ice Age: Only the Bible Explains It.  There is clear evidence for only one ice age and good evidence that it was caused by conditions at the end of the Flood.

Evolutionists have long claimed that the Coconino Sandstone formation in Grand Canyon was deposited in a desert and therefore proof of the myth of Noah’s Flood.  Geologist John Whitmore proves them wrong from multiple lines of evidence he has discovered in his extensive field and lab research.  See technical articles here and here and a layman’s article summarizing this research is here.

Links to various articles regarding radiometric dating are found here.

Two short but revealing articles exposing how the different dating methods apparently confirm each other are here (on the dating of the famous human-like skull KNM-ER1470 found by Richard Leakey in Kenya in 1967, which took 10 years of debate to be dated at an age the evolutionists could accept) and here (which explains what evolutionists do with inconsistent data).  See also the DVDs in the 5-lecture set by Andrew Snelling, Geology, a Biblical Viewpoint on the Age of the Earth.  A layman’s book explaining why Christians do not need to bow the knee to radiometric dating is Don DeYoung’s Thousands, not Billions (Master Books, 2005).

Dinosaur Soft Tissue is the Internet’s most complete catalog of peer-reviewed scientific journal papers confirming the existence of original biological tissue and carbon-14 found in dinosaur bones!  Also, listen to the very revealing 7-minute phone conversation between Jack Horner (one of America’s leading evolutionary dinosaur experts) and Bob Enyart (a young-earth creationist radio talk-show host), who initially offered Horner $10,000 to date a dinosaur bone by Carbon-14.  And after the phone call, Enyart upped it to $23,000 (see letter at the end of the phone clip above). Horner still refused. This is a good example of evolutionists “suppressing the truth in unrighteous” (Rom. 1:18).

Critique of “Christian” old-earth geology: John Reed has a PhD in geology and is also an elder in the Presbyterian Church of America (PCA).  In this paper he presents a summary of a longer semi-technical critique of an article written by eight old-earth geologists in the PCA arguing that the church should accept millions of years.  The old-earth article was published in Michael Horton’s journal Modern Reformation.

Questions about Noah’s Ark:  In his thorough book, Noah’s Ark: A Feasibility Study, researcher John Woodmorappe answers numerous skeptical questions raised by non-believers and Christians regarding the Ark.  Without invoking any miracles or technologies that would not reasonably be at Noah’s disposal, Woodmorappe answers such questions as how many animals were on the ark, how eight people could care for all those animals, how they got fresh air and fresh water, what they did with all the manure, and what the carnivores ate after leaving the ark.  Fascinating reading in a question-answer format that is understandable to serious-minded students and laypeople, but fully documented for the person who wants to dig deeper.  Many of these questions are also dealt with in the very authentic, life-size replica of Noah’s Ark at the Ark Encounter in N. Kentucky.

Terry Mortenson’s DVD lecture Origin of Species: Was Darwin Right? gives a good layman’s introduction showing that the fossils, natural selection and mutations do not prove evolution but confirm the truth of Genesis 1, that God created distinct KINDS to produce variety within their kind but not to change into a different kind.

The article Antibiotic resistance of bacteria shows that the development of antibiotic resistance in bacteria offers no support for molecules-to-man evolution.

The article Evolution or Adaptation explains the difference between the scientifically demonstrable fact of adaptation within a kind (in this case, beach mice) versus the evolutionary belief in the transformation of one kind of creature into a different kind (i.e., microbe-to-microbiologist evolution).

The article Evolution in Finch Beaks Again explains why the change in beak sizes of Darwin’s Finches offers no support for molecules-to-man evolution.

Life Designed to Adapt is a semi-technical article by veterinarian Jean Lightner shows how rapid variation can arise within a created kind, in this case a lizard population.  Other articles related to this issue of rapid variation, even producing a new species (but which is not evidence of evolution of one kind into another kind) are:


In Hidden Potential Georgia Purdom and several others discuss mediated design, which is likely one mechanism for helping us understand the source of information necessary for rapid speciation (within a kind) after the Flood.  Related to this is:

  • Jean Lightner, “Meiotic recombination—designed for inducing genomic change,” Journal of Creation 27:1 (2013), pp. 7-10, which discusses recently discovered evidence of design-programmed mutations (i.e., mutations are not all accidental errors in the genetic code, as evolutionists have assumed), which on-going research will likely show to be a partial explanation for rapid speciation (not evolution) after the Flood.


Plant geneticist John Sanford shows that mutations are actually fatal to the theory of evolution in Genetic Entropy and the Mystery of the Genome (FMS Publications, 2014). Sanford is a highly qualified research geneticist at Cornell University and for much of his career he was an evolutionist.  This semi-technical, but layman-friendly book shows that Neo-Darwinian evolution can neither explain how biological information got into the genome of living creatures in the first place nor how it could remain there.  A devastating critique that no evolutionist can responsibly ignore (but they are ignoring it and instead leveling ad hominem attacks on Sanford).  See a summary of this book in Sanford’s DVD lecture, “The Mystery of Our Declining Genes,” available from Creation Ministries, Int’l.

In Replacing Darwin, Nathaniel Jeanson presents a genetics-informed, young-earth creationist alternative to Darwinian evolution in his ground-breaking research. He has produced a rather technical book, plus a short layman’s summary of the book and a DVD lecture on the subject. They are available here.

The 38-minute downloadable DVD Evolution vs God contains interviews with atheist science students and atheist science professors at several major secular universities in California.  Their own words reveal the scientific bankruptcy of evolution.  A great witnessing tool, too.  View the trailer at the bottom of the linked page above.

On the subject of Intelligent design, Donald DeYoung & Derrick Hobbs co-authored Discovery of Design (Master Books, 2009).  Take a fantastic journey into the intersection of science and God’s blueprints for life – discovering answers to some of the most intricate challenges we face.

In the video Intelligent Design vs the Intelligent Design Movement, Terry Mortenson argues that intelligent design arguments are perfectly biblical. But then he explains the ID movement and discusses four strengthens and four fatal weaknesses.

Metamorphosis explores the remarkable world of butterflies (especially the Monarch) as few ever have before. Filmed in the rain forests of Ecuador, Mexico’s Trans-Volcanic mountain range, and leading research centers, this DVD is a powerful documentary revealing the amazing design of these creatures, which cannot be explained by the blind, purposeless, directionless process of evolution.  The film features incredible slow-motion photography. Sadly, it doesn’t explicitly give glory to God.

In Searching for Adam: Genesis and the Truth about Man’s Origin (Master Books, 2016), edited by Terry Mortenson, sixteen theologians, OT scholars and scientists present biblical, theological, historical, paleontological, genetics, anatomical, archeological, and social arguments in defense of the literal truth of Genesis (in all its details) about the creation of Adam and Eve and the Fall, including when Adam was created. It also shows that a literal Adam and Fall are absolutely essential to the truth of the gospel and foundational to the issues we are facing in the moral and sexual revolution and spiritual collapse of America and other countries of the former Christian West.  It is designed to be used as a textbook in seminary but also to be understandable to thoughtful lay people who want to dig deeper.  Terry Mortenson’s two chapters are online here (When was Adam created) and here (the connection of the debate about Adam to the moral decline of the Western world and to the age of the earth controversy in the church). Bill Barrick’s chapter on Adam in the OT can be found here. David Menton’s chapter analyzing the claimed fossils evidence for human evolution is online here. Marvin Lubenow’s chapter showing that Neanderthals were 100% human is online here.

When Adam was created?  Jeremy Sexton, Who Was Born When Enosh Was 90? A Semantic Reevaluation of William Henry Green’s Chronological Gaps. Sexton refutes Green’s highly influential 1890 Bib Sac article and shows that while there possibly could be genealogical gaps (i.e., missing names) in Gen. 5 and 11 there can be no chronological gaps (i.e., missing years) in the Genesis genealogies and that therefore Adam was created a little over 6000 years ago.  In an appendix Sexton presents arguments for the superiority of the years in the Septuagint (over the Masoretic text of Gen. 5:and 11). Citing him here is not an endorsement of that conclusion, but his case is worthy of scholarly reflection.

If the Flood destroyed all the people not in the Ark, Where are all the Human Fossils?

Could mankind possibly have descended from a single pair just 6000 years ago?  The genetic evidence overwhelmingly says “yes.”  See chapter 10 in Terry Mortenson, ed., Searching for Adam (Master Books, 2016).  Also see here and here. The first is a little less technical than the second article.

What about the claimed evidence that human and chimpanzee DNA is 98% the same?  Not true.  For an introduction see Chimp Human DNA Similarity, What Does it Really Mean and then follow the links at the end of the article.  Related to this is the DVD Did Neanderthals and Modern Humans Share a Common Gene Pool?.

On the origin of people groups and ethnicities, AiG’s research biologist, Nathaniel Jeanson, has produced a phenomenal, groundbreaking series of 25 well-illustrated video programs on the origin and history of man. Each one lasts 35-45 minutes and is understandable to teens and adults with no training in genetics. Together they show the powerful scientific (genetics) evidence confirming the creation of Adam and Eve about 6000 years ago and the development of all the people groups, languages, and ethnicities since the Flood (about 4500 years ago). A short article about the series (with a link to the first episode) is here. Also see Ken Ham and Charles Ware, One Race, One Blood (Master Books, 2019), and this DVD lecture by Ken Ham by the same title, and a children’s book on the subject, and a booklet on the topic.

Several DVDs present scientific and biblical evidence powerfully demonstrating that Adam and Eve were supernaturally created and were unique from all other creatures.  Humans are not descended from apes: Ape-men: the Grand Illusion, Three Ways to Make an Ape Man, The Hearing Ear and the Seeing Eye, and The Uniqueness of Man.

A number of helpful articles on Why a Literal Adam Matters for The Gospel can be found in the spring 2011 issue of the Journal of Theology from Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, KY.

In Four Views on the Historical Adam (Zondervan, 2013), Bill Barrick argues for a literal Adam and against the old-earth views of Denis Lamoureax, John Walton and C. John Collins.

In his insightful blog article, On the gospel necessity of a literal Adam, John Byl (a Canadian theologian and astronomer/mathematician) addresses the issue.

In Did Adam and Eve Really Exist? (Crossway, 2011) C. John Collins identifies and describes the various views concerning the existence and identity of Adam and Eve. He concludes that Adam and Eve were indeed historical individuals and that their existence is significant theologically. The weakness of the book resides in the fact that Collins does not offer a thorough analysis of the various views, does not clearly identify to which view he himself adheres, and does not offer argumentation strongly supporting the view he takes. When he touches upon other aspects of the creation account (such as the six days), he avoids an explicit statement of his position (which is an old-earth, “analogical days” view).  For a helpful review of Collins’s book, see Richard Belcher’s Feb. 2012 blog.

For a thorough critique of John Walton and NT Wright, The Lost World of Adam and Eve (IVP Academic, 2015), see Steve Ham, “The Lost World of Adam and Eve: A Response Answers Research Journal 8 (2015): 371–383.  A modified version of this article is chapter 6 in Terry Mortenson, ed., Searching for Adam (Master Books, 2016).  See also Steve Ham, Is the Meaning of Genesis Lost in the Ancient Near East?, 2015 Aug. 15.

What has the Church historically believed about Adam?  See chapter 3 by Tom Nettles in Terry Mortenson, ed., Searching for Adam (Master Books, 2016).  Also, see William VanDoodewaard, The Quest for the Historical Adam(Reformation Heritage Books, 2015), which shows that belief in a literal Adam made from dust, a literal Eve made from Adam’s rib, and a literal historical Fall is historic mainstream Christian orthodoxy.

On the question of distant starlight (how we can see stars and galaxies millions of years away if the universe is only 6000 years old) at a layman’s level, see Jason Lisle’s layman’s article and DVD lecture.  For a technical article explaining Jason Lisle’s proposed young-earth creationist solution to the distant starlight problem see this technical article.  See also this earlier 2011 technical article on other ideas that creationist cosmologists should consider.

To see that the big bang theory is not a proven fact that “all secular astronomers accept” and to be informed about the censorship of opposing views that exists in astrophysics today, see this open letter to the scientific community.  When first published in New Scientist in 2004, it was signed by 34 prominent scientists from 10 countries.  It has since been signed by an additional 218 “scientists and engineers” and 187 “independent researchers” from over 50 countries.

Some of the key unproven assumptions behind the big bang theory are discussed in Why Is Modern Cosmology So Weird?.

Two excellent DVDs showing that evolutionary astrophysicists have no idea really of how our Solar System and stars and galaxies formed.  The presenter, Spike Psarris, was previously an engineer in the United States’ military space program. He entered that program as an atheist and an evolutionist. He left it as a creationist and a Christian.

This 3-part DVD series on astronomy and origins features five prominent creationists in the field. They explore scientific challenges to the Big Bang, different views on the origin of the universe, and the distant starlight travel time problem.

Danny Faulkner (PhD in astronomy and Distinguished Professor Emeritus of astronomy and physics at University of South Carolina, Lancaster) presents a young-earth creationist view of the universe in his teen/adult book, Universe by Design (Master Books, 2004).  His well-illustrated book, The New Astronomy Book (Masters Books, 2014), provides teaching at many educational levels from children to adult. His most thorough works are The Created Cosmos, which looks at all the Bible says related to astronomy, and The Expanse of the Universe, which looks at the scientific evidence in light of the Biblical worldview.  Falling Flat: A Refutation of Flat Earth Claims is valuable in light of the growing belief in a flat earth.

On the question of geocentrism vs heliocentrism, it is often argued that since the church now follows the scientific consensus in holding that the earth goes around the sun, not the sun around the earth, the church should follow the scientific consensus regarding the origin and history of the creation.  John Byl, young-earth creationist astronomer/mathematician and elder in the Canadian Reformed Church, offers a well-informed perspective here.  Many of the responses to Dr Byl’s article on the site are also thought-provoking.

The widespread corruption of science: Is scientific research flawed?.  Most people think that science is the objective, unbiased pursuit of truth in which scientists simply let the facts speak for themselves.  This article documents the increasing evidence that scientists are publishing a great amount of false or distorted information in peer-reviewed literature.  See also William Broad and Nicholas Wade (both are top science journalists), Betrayers of Truth: Deceit and Fraud in the Halls of Science (London: Century Publ., 1982). They document that major and minor frauds have become “endemic” to modern science.

On the powerful control of uniformitarian naturalism in science (which is the driving force behind the idea of millions of years), see Terry Mortenson’s article Philosophical Naturalism and the Age of the Earth: Are they related?.  See also his article on the historical development of the geological timescale.

The DVD Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed exposes the censorship of arguments and persecution of scientists that oppose evolution strictly on scientific grounds.  This is a “must-see” film to understand the atheistic control of science today and why it is virtually impossible for young-earth creationists to get their best research published in secular science journals and have therefore had to develop their own peer-reviewed technical journals.  This exposes the lie, so often heard, that “creation scientists aren’t real scientists evidenced by the fact that they don’t publish in the peer-reviewed literature.”  In fact, they do.  It’s only their young-earth creationist papers that don’t get into the secular scientific literature, for reasons revealed in this DVD.

Following the same theme, Jerry Bergman documents the persecution of scientists who question evolution in his revealing book, Slaughter of the Dissidents (Leafcutter Press, 2011).  Although Bergman has nine degrees (including 2 PhDs), taught in secular academia for years, and has a voluminous publishing record in the secular scientific journals, he himself has been one of the persecuted (involving a loss of a faculty position at a secular university).

Evolution and the promotion of Atheism: The Cosmos: A SpaceTime Odyssey TV series of 13 programs aired in America in Spring 2014.  It is having a worldwide impact as it aggressively promotes atheistic (cosmological, geological and biological) evolution and attacks the truth of Genesis 1-11 (thereby attacking the gospel that is rooted in that literal historical truth).  The series was viewed by millions of people in 70 countries and now is a DVD-based curriculum that will be widely used in schools in America and many other countries in the years ahead to indoctrinate hundreds of millions of children in an atheistic worldview.  In Questioning Cosmos (based on her weekly web reviews of each TV program) Elizabeth Mitchell provides a study guide to help students and parents see through the deceptive arguments masquerading as proven science.  Also, consider this short article, which analyzes some of the skeptics’ responses to the AiG web reviews.


Click on a presentation below to download it to your computer.


PDF of the Panorama of Scripture presentation (Barrick)
PDF of the Geology 101 presentation (Whitmore)
PDF of the Radiometric Dating presentation (Snelling)
PDF of Creation Outside Genesis PowerPoint presentation (Barrick)
PDF of Historical Adam presentation (Barrick, ETS 2013)
PDF of Noachic Covenant paper (Barrick, 2012)
PDF of Unwritten Revelation in Gen 1-11 paper (Barrick, 2011)
PDF of Intelligent Design and Irreducible Complexity PowerPoint presentation (Barrick)

Additional Resources

Creation Museum: Bible history comes to life at the Creation Museum! Located in northern Kentucky, this family-friendly attraction near Cincinnati explores creation science with stunning exhibits, dinosaur bones, fossils, botanical gardens, a planetarium, zoo, zip line course, and more.

Ark Encounter: Ark Encounter features a full-size Noah’s Ark, built according to the dimensions given in the Bible. Spanning 510 feet long, 85 feet wide, and 51 feet high, this modern engineering marvel amazes visitors young and old. Ark Encounter is situated in beautiful Grant County in Williamstown, Kentucky.

Canyon Ministries: Since 1997, Canyon Ministries has been providing life-changing Grand Canyon Christian tours to thousands of people from around the world.  These experiences include rim tours and guided hikes to the very best overlooks and locations in the Grand Canyon National Park, as well as multi-day river trips through the Grand Canyon along the breathtaking Colorado River…all with a biblical creation perspective!

Mount St Helens Creation Center:  Provides a biblical/creationist perspective on the May 1980 eruption of Mount St Helens, as well as tours of the surrounding area.

PDF of Grand Canyon: Evidence Confirming the Testimony of God’s Word booklet

PDF of The New Answers Book 3, chapter 18, When and How Did the Grand Canyon Form? (Snelling & Vail)

Answers in Genesis also has entire presentations on several subjects available as free downloads.

Paul Garner, The New Creationism (Faverdale North, UK: Evangelical Press, 2009), gives a good overview and defense of young-earth creationism.  Paul has training in biology and geology and speaks regularly on creation for Biblical Creation Trust in the UK.  Among other things, Paul contends that while the widely accepted Big Bang theory is contrary to Scripture, there are also good scientific reasons for rejecting it.  CLT alumni from the UK should consider this book.

Norman C. Nevin, ed., Should Christians Embrace Evolution? Biblical and Scientific Responses (Nottingham, UK: IVP, 2009).  In this book, thirteen prominent UK scientists and theologians respond to theistic evolution, especially as championed in Denis Alexander’s book, Creation or Evolution: Do We have to Choose? (Oxford, UK: Monarch Books, 2008).  The foreword is by Wayne Grudem.

At Creation-Evolution Headlines, Dave Coppedge gives very informative short summaries, along with insightful analysis, of recently published science articles relevant to the origins debate. Dave worked for many years at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory on their Cassini Program (studying Saturn, its moons and its rings), until he was unjustly and unconstitutionally removed from his job because of talking to some of his fellow employees about intelligent design and evolution.

The Creation Research Society is the oldest professional association of young-earth creation scientists.  It publishes a quarterly journal of peer-reviewed papers and occasional technical monographs and books.  Many key creationist scientific research papers have been published in the Creation Research Society Quarterly.  The society also holds an annual conference.  One of their funded research projects involves analysis of soft-tissue and other organic material in dinosaur bones.

The Institute for Creation Research was founded by Henry Morris and Duane Gish, originally in San Diego, but now is based in Dallas.  The Institute was established to promote scientific research, and to teach the sciences from a young-earth creationist position, for many years operating a graduate school that issued MS degrees in various fields of hard science before the evolutionists shut it down by preventing continuing accreditation.  Much groundbreaking research has been done by ICR scientists, including research in genetics (especially related to human-chimp DNA similarities), at Mount St Helens and in the Grand Canyon, and on the subject of radioisotopes and the age of the earth.  Much of the research has been published in monographs.

The Creation Science Fellowship of Pittsburgh has focused its efforts in organizing and running the series of professional conferences called the International Conference on Creationism every 4-5 years since 1986.  Eight such conferences have been held as of 2020, and the peer-reviewed papers presented at each of these conferences were published in a Proceedings volume after each event.  Many of these research papers have made key contributions to the building of a sophisticated creationist scientific model of origins.

Canyon Ministries is the place to go for people who want a trip of a lifetime down the Colorado River through Grand Canyon, or a ½-day or full-day rim tour of the South Rim of the Canyon, as it is explained from a young-earth creationist perspective.

Newly founded creationist societies include the Creation Geology Society, Creation Biology Society, and Creation Theology Society which will be participating in the annual Origins Conference (see link here).

CLT Leadership Team

William Bill Barrick Grand Canyon MinistriesDr. Bill Barrick served as a Professor of Old Testament and the Director of Doctoral Studies at The Master’s Seminary for 19 years. A former missionary in Bangladesh working in Bible translation and theological education, Bill has been teaching, researching, and writing on the exegesis of Genesis 1-11, particularly Noah’s Flood, for many years. He is also well informed on the geology of the southwest United States. Bill wrote a chapter on the Flood in Coming to Grips with Genesis: Biblical Authority and the Age of the Earth and recently published Ecclesiastes, the Philippians of the Old Testament. He is currently writing the Genesis commentary in the Evangelical Exegetical Commentary series (Logos/Lexham) and is a sought-after speaker/teacher traveling worldwide proclaiming the truth of God’s Word.

While Bill’s knowledge of the Grand Canyon is extensive, he specializes in the connection between the Bible, the Flood, and the Grand Canyon. As a Biblical and Hebrew scholar, his background allows him to relate to those of all levels of Biblical understanding.

The outdoors has formed a major part of his life since childhood. Besides loving to fish and hike, Bill’s activities have included rock climbing, canoeing, youth camps, wilderness camps, wildlife research (National Science Foundation), and an interest in survival techniques.

Bill’s wife, Barbara, his 4 children, and 14 grandchildren complement his creationist views in their own way by multiplying and filling the earth. Bill is also the Chairman of the board for Canyon Ministries.

Terry Mortenson Grand Canyon MinistriesDr. Terry Mortenson has an MDiv and a PhD in the history of geology and is well-informed on the relationship of the Grand Canyon, geology, and Scripture. After serving with Campus Crusade for Christ for 26 years (mostly in Eastern Europe), he joined the staff of Answers in Genesis in 2001 as a speaker, writer, and researcher. A revised version of his PhD thesis was published as The Great Turning Point: The Church’s Catastrophic Mistake on Geology—Before Darwin. He also co-edited and contributed to Coming to Grips with Genesis: Biblical Authority and the Age of the Earth, which gives an in-depth biblical, historical, and theological defense of young-earth creation. Terry has lectured on creation and evolution in over 25 countries and has been on many trips through the Grand Canyon.

Terry’s knowledge and passion for helping people see the connection between Biblical compromise and the age of the earth are obvious both in and out of the Grand Canyon. He says, “I know I’m a real creationist, because my wonderful wife, Margie, and I have eight kids and a growing number of grand-kids.” Terry is also an associate member of the Canyon Ministries Board of Directors.

Andrew Snelling Grand Canyon MinistriesDr. Andrew Snelling possesses a PhD in geology from the University of Sydney, has done extensive research in the canyon over the last 20+ years, and has published numerous articles on his work. Dr. Snelling has published more than 30 technical articles and papers in secular journals and books and has worked as a geological consultant in the mining industry for private companies and national and international governmental research organizations. As a Research Scientist and Professor of Geology at the Graduate School of the Institute for Creation Research, he was a lead researcher on the 8-year creationist research project on radiometric dating methods completed in 2005. Dr. Snelling is currently the Director of Research at Answers in Genesis, and one of the leading creationist geologists in the world, and the author of Earth’s Catastrophic Past, Geology, Creation & the Flood.

Andrew has an exceptional ability to explain the geology of the canyon in a Biblical context in a clear and interesting manner that individuals without any geology background can understand. Andrew and his wife, Kym, live just a few miles from AiG’s Creation Museum just outside Cincinnati. Their three adult Aussie children bring the grandchildren for frequent visits. Andrew is also an associate member of the Canyon Ministries Board of Directors.

Tom & Paula VailTom Vail and his wife Paula founded Canyon Ministries in 1997 after over 15 years of leading trips through the canyon. He began guiding as a non-believer. After giving his life to the Lord in 1994, he began investigating some of the “problems” he always had with the evolutionary explanation he taught on canyon geology. As he learned more about the Biblical model, creation, and the flood, he found it gave a much better explanation of what he saw in the canyon, and it became the focus of the ministry.

Tom is the author of Grand Canyon, a Different View and co-author of the True North Series, which includes guidebooks on the Grand Canyon, Zion and Bryce, and Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Parks (available in our online store). Tom and Paula live in Phoenix, AZ.  Though mostly retired, Tom remains an active member of the Canyon Ministries Board of Directors.

Dr. John Whitmore has been teaching at Cedarville University since 1991. Prior to that, he taught high school science and math and spent a summer working for the United States Geological Survey. John serves on the board of the Creation Geology Society and is a member of the Creation Research Society and the Geological Society of America (GSA). His publications include many GSA abstracts, journal articles, book chapters, popular articles, and an adventure book titled The Great Alaskan Dinosaur Adventure.

John speaks internationally on the topics of creation, geology, and Noah’s Flood and has led many trips in the Grand Canyon. He has been doing research for several years on the Coconino Sandstone found in the Grand Canyon, and will have some interesting facts to share that contradict secular geology but support a global flood.

* For DVDs, we have given the links for where to purchase in the USA. The format of those DVDs may not work in some devices in other countries. The AiG-UK web site (reached through a tab near the top right corner of the AiG-USA site) likely will have most of these in the PAL format.

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