9:00am-11:30am Dino Track guided hike with Dr. Whitmore & Nate Loper ($15 suggested donation per person).
6:00-6:30 Conference kick-off, booths and worship (Church Location TBA soon!)
6:30pm First session- Nate Loper, “The Grand Canyon, the flood & breached dam”
7:00pm break
7:15pm Dr. Whitmore: The Coconino Sandstone, the flood & folded layers
8:15pm Dismissed
8:00am Doors open, registration, booths & drop kids off at nursery (8:30am)
9:00am Opening Main Session- Dr. Whitmore: The Mechanisms of the flood
10:30am Break & booths
11:00am Breakout # 1
Children breakout: Topic and Teacher TBA soon
Beginner: “Creation evangelism & the next generation,” Caleb Harrelson, (Engage Apologetics)
Intermediate: “Feasibility of the Ark,” Charlie Wolcott (Worldview Warriors)
12:00-1:00pm Lunch, booths and fellowship (Chick Fil la boxes)
1:00pm Breakout # 2
Children: Topic and Teacher TBA soon
Beginner: Biblical Genealogies & the Biblical Timeline, Caleb
Intermediate: The Theology of the Flood, Charlie Wolcott
Intermediate: Nate Loper- Archaeological evidence for the Exodus
2:00pm Break & booths
2:30pm Final main session with Dr. Whitmore & Nate Loper: “answering the critics of the flood” (response to” 21 reasons flood never happened” article
4:00pm End of event
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