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Tour: University of Chicago Oriental Institute Museum

Join Nate Loper from Canyon Ministries and Ted Wright from Epic Archaeology on a biblical history tour of the University of Chicago's Institute for the Study of Ancient Cultures (Oriental Institute Museum). Featuring an array of artifacts from ancient civilizations in the Bible found throughout the Ancient Near East, learn how true history supports the biblical accounts and events that it records. Dive into a deeper understanding of some of the nations used to shape and hone the people of Israel, including those in ancient Mesopotamia, Egypt, Assyria, […]

Speaking: Wheaton College Creation Society

Nate Loper speaking to the Creation Society of Wheaton College Grand Canyon: A Flood of Evidence No other place on earth exhibits evidence of the global Flood in Genesis quite like the Grand Canyon.  Learn of the "rock-solid" features found there that support the biblical account.  Then hear the latest in ongoing field research and geologic modeling related to the carving of the Grand Canyon itself. Meyer Science Center Wheaton College 430 Howard St, Wheaton, IL 60187

Zoom Meeting: Creation Fellowship Santee

Join the online Zoom meeting hosted by the Creation Fellowship of Santee, CA as Nate gives a talk titled Grand Canyon: A Flood of Evidence Meeting starts at 6:30 pm Pacific. Email [email protected] for the Zoom link


Conference: A Flood of Evidence

El Paso, Texas - November 4 & 5 Information and registration may be found here Friday, Nov 4th 9:00am-11:30am  Dino Track guided hike with Dr. Whitmore & Nate Loper ($15 suggested donation per person). 6:00-6:30 Conference kick-off, booths and worship (Church Location TBA soon!) 6:30pm First session- Nate Loper, "The Grand Canyon, the flood & breached dam" 7:00pm break 7:15pm Dr. Whitmore: The Coconino Sandstone, the flood & folded layers 8:15pm Dismissed Saturday, Nov 5th (location TBA soon) 8:00am Doors open, registration, booths & drop kids off at […]

Speaking: Denver Society of Creation

Nate Loper to speak at the Denver Society of Creation Title: Grand Canyon: A Flood of Evidence No other place on earth exhibits evidence of the global Flood in Genesis quite like the Grand Canyon.  Learn of the "rock-solid" features found there that support the biblical account.  Then hear the latest in ongoing field research and geologic modeling related to the carving of the Grand Canyon itself. Mt. Zion Lutheran Church 500 Drake Street Denver, CO 80221


Student Tour: Denver Museum of Nature & Science

Join Nate Loper on a biblical creation tour of the Denver Museum of Nature and Science on Saturday, December 3rd!  This exciting and dynamic tour is will dive into creation apologetics and understanding God's World in light of God's Word. This tour is designed to engage students in the 4th-12th grade.  Adults without students will not be able to attend.  We are limited to 15 people total, so please only one parent per family/group. Meet outside the main museum entrance at 10:00 am. Cost includes museum entry and […]

TALK • Exodus Epicenter: Evidence From Egypt with Nate Loper

Arizona Origins Science Association (AzOSA) 6555 Townsend Winona Rd, Flagstaff

Join Nate's talk on Exodus Epicenter: Evidence From Egypt, as he presents support for the biblical Exodus of the Hebrew people, as seen through the perspective of Egyptology. Who was the pharaoh of the Exodus? Where was the Red Sea crossing? What physical and circumstantial evidence do we find that supports the Bible's description of these events? Learn this and more in Nate's exciting talk from first-hand investigative studies in Egypt. Nate Loper is the Executive Director for Canyon Ministries, providing Grand Canyon biblical creation-themed adventures and tours […]

2023 Grand Canyon River Trips Launch

Grand Canyon River Trip

2023 Grand Canyon River Trips Begin! Visit canyonministries.org/river-trips for trip information and itinerary. 4/21-4/29 9 $3,585 Answers in Genesis: In-depth Geology with Dr. Andrew Snelling & Nate Loper 5/13-5/16 4 $1,875 Stargazer Special with Nate Loper 5/25-5/28 4 $1,875 Focus on the Family charter trip with Doug Birnie & Nate Loper. 6/9-6/12 4 $1,875 Stargazer Special with Nate Loper 6/19-6/25 7 $3,450 Answers in Genesis: Geology by Day, Astronomy by Night with Dr. Danny Faulkner & Adam Huff 7/2-7/10 9 — Christian Leaders Trip with Dr. Mortenson, Dr. […]

Christian Leaders Trip 2023

Grand Canyon River Trip

Special week-long Grand Canyon river trip for Christian leaders around the world.  More information at https://canyonministries.org/clt/

2023 International Conference on Creationism

Cedarville University 251 N Main St, Cedarville, United States

Meet up with Dr. Bill Barrick, Nate Loper, Adam Huff, and others at the 2023 International Conference on Creationism in Cedarville, OH. We will have a joint paper presented by Dr. Steve Austin on our research together these past couple of years regarding Grand Canyon formation and a breached dam "lake spillover" model. Nate will present a poster at the conference on some of the geological and paleontological fossil evidence found in support of the massive Lake Bidahochi or "Hopi Lake" believed partly responsible for the breached dam […]

SPEAKING: Akron Fossils and Science Center

Akron Fossils and Science Center 3400 Copley Rd, Copley, OH

Join Nate Loper at the Akron Fossils and Science Center as he shares about Grand Canyon: A Flood of Evidence.  During this talk, he will share physical evidence seen at the Grand Canyon that supports a global Flood, as well as new and ongoing research into Grand Canyon formation by lake spillover/breached dam model. Event starts at 7:00pm and is open to all!  

Grand Eclipse Tour!

A TRUE ROCK-STAR TOUR COMBINING BOTH GEOLOGY AND ASTRONOMY! This 11-hour Eclipse Event Tour includes a full day of adventure seeing the very best of the Grand Canyon National Park and ancient Native American Indian ruins at Wupatki National Monument, with viewing of the sun and eclipse through a specialized solar filter telescope and provided protective solar viewing glasses.

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