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2023 International Conference on Creationism

Cedarville University 251 N Main St, Cedarville, United States

Meet up with Dr. Bill Barrick, Nate Loper, Adam Huff, and others at the 2023 International Conference on Creationism in Cedarville, OH. We will have a joint paper presented by Dr. Steve Austin on our research together these past couple of years regarding Grand Canyon formation and a breached dam "lake spillover" model. Nate will present a poster at the conference on some of the geological and paleontological fossil evidence found in support of the massive Lake Bidahochi or "Hopi Lake" believed partly responsible for the breached dam […]

SPEAKING: Akron Fossils and Science Center

Akron Fossils and Science Center 3400 Copley Rd, Copley, OH

Join Nate Loper at the Akron Fossils and Science Center as he shares about Grand Canyon: A Flood of Evidence.  During this talk, he will share physical evidence seen at the Grand Canyon that supports a global Flood, as well as new and ongoing research into Grand Canyon formation by lake spillover/breached dam model. Event starts at 7:00pm and is open to all!  

Grand Eclipse Tour!

A TRUE ROCK-STAR TOUR COMBINING BOTH GEOLOGY AND ASTRONOMY! This 11-hour Eclipse Event Tour includes a full day of adventure seeing the very best of the Grand Canyon National Park and ancient Native American Indian ruins at Wupatki National Monument, with viewing of the sun and eclipse through a specialized solar filter telescope and provided protective solar viewing glasses.

SPEAKING: South Bay Creation Science Association

Nate Loper speaking alongside Joel Emilio for the South Bay Creation Science Association WHEN: 6 pm on Saturday, Oct 28@ 6pm. 1st SPEAKER by ZOOM @ 6pm: Joel Emilio, Lawyer & Apologetics Teacher TITLE: The Reliability & Authority of the Bible SUMMARY: Joel will present evidence from ancient manuscripts and archaeology that will show the Bible to be trustworthy, authoritative, and reliable. 2nd SPEAKER by ZOOM @ 7pm: Nate Loper of Canyon Ministries TITLE: Grand Canyon: a Flood of Evidence SUMMARY: Nate will show us 3 key physical […]


Annual Canyon Ministries all-team gathering for vision casting and planning. All-family dinner gathering at El Nathan Ministries on Friday the 19th at 5:00pm.

Online: Creation Guides Training

Zoom Meeting

1/25/2024 @ 7:00 pm MST If you've already registered and haven't received meeting login information, please check your email spam folder or contact us via email.   Join Canyon Ministries Executive Director Nate Loper and guides from our team via Zoom as we share tips, tricks, and pointers to being a creation guide in national parks, museums, and zoos around the world. How do you get permission to teach creation in various places? How do you communicate and connect with guests? How can you get started in becoming […]


Speaking: South Bay Creation Science Association

South Bay Creation Science Association 1575 N Wilmington Bl, Wilmington, CA

Nate speaking on Israel in Egypt: Archaeology that supports the biblical record of Israel's history. Is Egyptian archaeology really silent about the Hebrew people and the Israelites? In this talk, Nate will highlight archaeological finds from Egypt that showcase and support the biblical record regarding the Hebrew people and Israel. Having traveled to Egypt multiple times himself in research regarding the accounts in Genesis and Exodus, hear firsthand how Egyptology really does support Scripture!   Live in person and via Zoom

Speaking: Denver Society of Creation

Mt. Zion Lutheran Church 500 Drake Street Denver, CO 80221

Nate Loper to speak at the Denver Society of Creation Mt. Zion Lutheran Church 500 Drake Street Denver, CO 80221


Foundations in Genesis Idaho

Foundations In Genesis Boise, ID

Join Nate Loper for various speaking engagements in the Boise, Idaho area for Foundations in Genesis. During this week, 14 different presentations will cover topics on Creation, Flood Geology, the Grand Canyon, and Biblical Archaeology. Apart from speaking at various schools during the day, there are many church events open to the public: 2/28 7:00 pm Calvary Chapel, Nampa: Egypt and the Bible 2/29 7:00 pm - New Life Christian Center, Emmett: Egypt and the Bible 3/1 7:00 pm - New Hope Baptist, Nampa: Grand Canyon, A Lot […]


Canyon Ministries

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