Speaking: Denver Society of Creation
Speaking: Denver Society of Creation
Nate Loper to speak at the Denver Society of Creation Mt. Zion Lutheran Church 500 Drake Street Denver, CO 80221
Nate Loper to speak at the Denver Society of Creation Mt. Zion Lutheran Church 500 Drake Street Denver, CO 80221
Join Nate Loper for various speaking engagements in the Boise, Idaho area for Foundations in Genesis. During this week, 14 different presentations will cover topics on Creation, Flood Geology, the Grand Canyon, and Biblical Archaeology. Apart from speaking at various schools during the day, there are many church events open to the public: 2/28 7:00 pm Calvary Chapel, Nampa: Egypt and the Bible 2/29 7:00 pm - New Life Christian Center, Emmett: Egypt and the Bible 3/1 7:00 pm - New Hope Baptist, Nampa: Grand Canyon, A Lot […]
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