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Grand Canyon Ministries GuidePosts Sign

Lessons, Life, & Loving God

  • Luke Wayne - March 07, 2025   The splendor and importance of this fossilized arbor is hard to overstate. But how did it get here? Arizona's Ultimate Rock Garden: The Petrified Forest Roughly two hours down I-40 East from Flagstaff, or about fifty

  •   Nate Loper - March 05, 2025   The wilderness is a place of paradox. It is vast and untamed, yet it draws us into intimacy with God. It’s a place where distractions fade, and we are confronted with the rawness of

  •   Nate Loper - February 10, 2025 The common thread running through these diverse cultural stories is the portrayal of reptilian giants—creatures that evoke both fear and reverence. From a biblical creation perspective, these legends might not be mere folklore but

  •   Nate Loper - January 25, 2025 Like those river runners who have documented stories and details of Lava Falls for the past 150 years, Scripture provides us guidance through life's most challenging waters. There's a moment of pure anticipation that

  • The outdoor adventure community recently received bittersweet news with the announcement of the REI Adventures closure. For decades, they've been pioneers in getting people outside, helping countless individuals discover the transformative power of wilderness experiences. Their legacy of inspiring people

  • Living a bucket list life isn't about waiting until we're facing mortality to start living, it's about embracing the gift of life we have right now. Have you ever noticed how some people seem to approach life with an insatiable

  • The very absence of human fossils serves as a powerful reminder of God's declared purpose to "blot out man from the face of the earth" while preserving clear evidence of His judgment through the billions of marine fossils entombed in

  • Each switchback conquered and every obstacle overcome testified to the power of community and the truth that in God's kingdom, there are no limitations He cannot help us overcome. The Grand Canyon's vastness has a way of making anyone feel small,

  • The Spirit of God isn’t something we can see or predict.  Like the wind, He doesn’t always move in ways we understand. I was walking along canyon's Trail of Time one spring afternoon, the kind of day where the Grand

  • Isn't it just like our Creator to turn what the world sees as a challenge to faith into one of faith's strongest witnesses? One afternoon, I stood at Yavapai Point watching a group of ravens soaring on the thermals rising from

  • Even as someone who has taught on creation for more than two decades, this has been an invaluable opportunity for me to develop a greater understanding of how the Grand Canyon provides powerful evidence for the biblical flood. In April/May 2024,

  • Living beyond the rim means being liberated from the worries and cares of this world. It means embracing a greater purpose and looking forward to eternity with hope and anticipation The Grand Canyon, with its vast expanse and awe-inspiring beauty, draws

GuidePosts Kaibab Trail Grand Canyon

GuidePosts is a collection of blogs and articles written by our knowledgeable guides and ministry friends. You can explore these posts chronologically or select a specific author to read their insights.

Our guides at Canyon Ministries possess extensive knowledge and experience in and around the Grand Canyon. They have a deep understanding of the Biblical Creation/evolution debate and a strong foundation in Biblical truth, which they apply to their interpretation of the Grand Canyon.

We hope you find the information presented here to be both encouraging and faith-building as we explore Lessons, Life, & Loving God…Grand Canyon style.

Jon Albert



Dr. Bill Barrick




Nate Loper





Tom Vail





Canyon Ministries

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