Nate Loper • Executive Director

Luke Wayne • Guest Services and Communications

Ellie Johnston • Backpacking Guest Services

Adam Huff • Director of Operations

Dana Allen • Backpacking Operations

Bryce Brothers • Office Administrator

Jonathan Matteson • Operations Support

Nate Loper • Executive Director

Adam Huff • Director of Operations

Bryce Brothers • Office Administrator

Luke Wayne • Guest Services and Communications

Dana Allen • Backpacking Operations

Jonathan Matteson • Operations Support

Ellie Johnston • Backpacking Guest Services
From rim to river and everywhere between, our entire team is dedicated to making your Grand Canyon experience the trip of a lifetime!
Our team members bring extensive experience in leading people through God’s great outdoors, especially the Grand Canyon and other remarkable areas throughout the American Southwest. They share a biblical worldview and uphold our Foundational Beliefs. More importantly, each team member understands the biblical significance of the Grand Canyon and surrounding regions, and they are dedicated to sharing this in exiting and inspiring ways on every tour we conduct.
Get to know the folks who are our boots on the ground and feet in the water.

Jon Albert
About Jon
Jon Albert has been a wilderness guide since 1992 around the U.S., Canada, and the Dominican Republic. The wilderness has always been a powerful place of worship for Jon. God has enabled him to apply his passion for the outdoors to the advancement of the kingdom.
Jon has been studying geology in Grand Canyon since 2008 and has an infectious joy for life and the Lord, which impacts every trip he guides. He has this to say about leading a trip, “Spending time in the Grand Canyon is like being invited into the workshop of a master craftsman and listening as He displays and explains His work. Leading a trip in the Grand Canyon is like being the one who opens the door to the workshop and excitedly says, ‘Listen to the master.’”

Bryce Brothers
About Bryce
Bryce has been a long-time resident here in Northern Arizona and has a wealth of knowledge about its various highlights and history. He is also a fantastic storyteller and communicator.
Before joining our team full-time, Bryce was at Coconino High School for years, where he was an English teacher and headed up one of the top Speech and Debate teams in Northern Arizona!
Apart from having the best smile on our entire guide team, Bryce is a great “people person” and loves sharing the beauty of God’s creation at the Grand Canyon with folks from around the world.

Bryan Osborne
About Bryan
Bryan Osborne holds a master’s degree in the Art of Teaching from Lee University. Bryan taught Bible history in a public school for 13 years, and has been teaching Christians to defend their faith for nearly 20 years. Bryan is a speaker and author for Answers in Genesis.
Bryan is also a leader on our Grand Canyon river trips, where he focuses on teaching creation and biblical apologetics.

Dr. Terry Mortenson
About Terry
Terry has an MDiv and a Ph.D. in the history of geology, and is well-informed on the relationship of the Grand Canyon, geology, and Scripture. After serving with Campus Crusade for Christ for 26 years (mostly in Eastern Europe), he joined the staff of Answers in Genesis in 2001 as a speaker, writer, and researcher.
A revised version of his Ph.D. thesis was published as The Great Turning Point: The Church’s Catastrophic Mistake on Geology—Before Darwin. He also co-edited and contributed to Coming to Grips with Genesis: Biblical Authority and the Age of the Earth, which gives an in-depth biblical, historical, and theological defense of young-earth creation.
Terry has lectured on creation and evolution in over 25 countries and has helped lead many trips through the Grand Canyon. Terry’s knowledge and passion for helping people see the connection between biblical teaching and the age of the earth are obvious both in and out of the Grand Canyon. He also serves as an associate member of the Canyon Ministries Board of Directors.

Dr. John Whitmore
About John
John earned his Ph.D. from Loma Linda University in California. He now serves as a professor of geology at Cedarville University, where he started the geology major and has been teaching since 1991. Prior to that, he taught high school science and math and spent time working for the United States Geological Survey.
John serves on the board of the Creation Geology Society and is a member of the Creation Research Society and the Geological Society of America (GSA). His publications include many GSA abstracts, journal articles, book chapters, popular articles, and an adventure book titled The Great Alaskan Dinosaur Adventure.
John speaks internationally on the topics of creation, geology, and Noah’s Flood, and has helped lead many river trips through the Grand Canyon. He is one of the world’s leading geologists on the Coconino Sandstone and has been conducting research and publishing papers on it and other geology found in and around the Grand Canyon for years.

Kathleen Albert
About Kathleen
Besides loving Jesus, Jon Albert, and their three kids, Kathleen loves the color purple. Kathleen also LOVES hiking! She’s hiked hundreds of miles through Yellowstone, the Boundary Waters in Minnesota, Grand Canyon, and trails all over Northern Arizona. She has a degree and background in Travel and Business Management, and has worked as a corporate travel agent for ten years. One of her favorite times was spent working in and exploring Yellowstone, our nation’s first national park, which was established in 1872.
Kathleen has gone on multiple river trips with Canyon Ministries, and is always a delight to our guests. She also manages our office and guest relations. If you don’t see her at our Flagstaff office, you can probably find her horseback riding or cleaning up after her chinchilla.

Emily Cable
About Emily
Emily Cable is one of our exceptional backpacking guides. With years of experience leading Christian wilderness adventures and backpacking trips, Emily has likely out-hiked everyone else on our team! When she’s not leading trips for Canyon Ministries, Emily also serves as a guide with Solid Rock Outdoor Ministries in Laramie, WY.
Emily’s incredibly uplifting and encouraging personality is further complimented by her years of experience and wisdom in the outdoors. If you want to get on her good side, bring her a bag of quality coffee at the start of your trip. You’ll have a friend for life!

John Kelley
About John
John is an Arizona native who loves hiking and exploring in God’s amazing Creation. John attended Northern Arizona University in Flagstaff, AZ, where he received his Bachelor of Science in Physical Sciences with an emphasis in Mathematics.
Since he recognized God’s call on his life in seventh grade, John has enjoyed serving God through various opportunities of leadership, pastoring, and teaching. After graduating college John has gone on to teach students in both Arizona and Alaska, Co-hosted “Grace Talk” (a weekly round table radio talk show), and has led hundreds of people on tours in Flagstaff, Grand Canyon, and Israel.
John remembers his first river trip in the Grand Canyon as the time Genesis chapters 1-11 went from “black and white to living color” and compares that experience to the first time visiting Israel where “the Bible came alive as it never had before.” John’s passion for God’s love and truth is evident each time you interact with him.

Bob Smart
About Bob
Bob retired after decades of serving the State of Arizona and its citizens as a Highway Patrol Officer, and is now part of the Canyon Ministries team. Bob has a great deal of knowledge about the Grand Canyon, and has spent more time hiking its trails than anyone else at Canyon Ministries.
Bob’s intrigue and love for the Grand Canyon dates back to the mid-’80s when he took his first backpacking trip exploring the South Rim. Being thoroughly captivated by God’s majesty through His creation, the canyon has since held a special place in his heart and spirit. When you have a tour with Bob, you will undoubtedly hear his passion for proclaiming God’s Word at the canyon, and using God’s creation as a great way to communicate that.

Dana Allen
About Dana

Dr. Danny Faulkner
About Danny
Danny has a Ph.D. in Astronomy from Indiana University. For over 25 years, he was on the faculty of the University of South Carolina Lancaster, where he taught physics and astronomy. Danny retired as a full professor and now holds the title of Distinguished Professor Emeritus.
In January 2013, he joined Answers in Genesis and its Creation Museum full time. He is the Editor in Chief for Creation Research Society Quarterly and on the board of Creation Research Society. Danny has published more than a hundred papers in various astronomy and astrophysics journals and is the author of Universe by Design.
Danny helps lead our special Geology by Day, Astronomy by Night river trips, where he brings a world-class telescope to show folks the amazing starry skies here at the Grand Canyon, as the “heavens declare the glory of God” overhead. Danny’s breadth of knowledge about the universe and the night sky will fascinate you, and may even keep you up at night!

Nate Loper
About Nate
Nate has been leading trips and tours throughout the Southwest for over 20 years, and has spent over 800 days guiding and teaching in the Grand Canyon National Park. Having lived in the Four Corners most of his life, he has a passion for Native American culture and Wild West history and has led trips for organizations like Tour the Southwest and various Flagstaff school trips to local ruins and historic sites.
Over the years, he has guided multi-day trips to multiple National Parks, as well as creation science and biblical archaeology tours through museums and sites around the world. Nate and his wife also lead a 7-day London Christian Tour in England, her home country.
While originally on track to study geology, Nate felt God call him into ministry, where he switched paths and became a pastor for 12 years in Colorado and California. Now able to combine both his passions of science and God’s Word, Nate still loves working with students and school groups at the canyon, and is great with kids on our tours!

Dr. Andrew Snelling
About Andrew
Andrew possesses a Ph.D. in geology from the University of Sydney, and is one of the leading creation geologists in the world. He has done extensive research in the canyon over the last 25+ years, and has compiled numerous books and DVDs on geology and radiometric dating. Dr. Snelling has published more than 30 technical articles and papers in secular journals and books and has worked as a geological consultant in the mining industry for private companies and national and international governmental research organizations.
As a Research Scientist and Professor of Geology at the Graduate School of the Institute for Creation Research, he was a lead researcher on the 8-year Radioisotopes and the Age of The Earth (R.A.T.E.) research project on radiometric dating methods, completed in 2005.
Dr. Snelling is currently the Director of Research at Answers in Genesis, travels around the world to speak on creation geology and related sciences, and is the author of Earth’s Catastrophic Past, Geology, Creation & the Flood. He also serves as a river guide and an associate member of the Canyon Ministries Board of Directors.

Dr. Bill Barrick
About Bill
Bill is a leading Hebrew scholar and served as a Professor of Old Testament and the Director of Doctoral Studies at The Master’s Seminary for 19 years. He also served as the Biblical Editor for Creation Research Society Quarterly for a number of years.
A former missionary in Bangladesh working in Bible translation and theological education, Bill has been teaching, researching, and writing on the exegesis of Genesis 1-11, particularly Noah’s Flood and the historical Adam, for many years. He is also well informed on the geology of the Southwest United States, having participated and led numerous river trips through the canyon over the years. He is also a sought-after speaker and teacher, and travels worldwide teaching at conferences, churches, and universities. He also serves as Chairman of the Canyon Ministries Board of Directors.
While Bill’s knowledge of the Grand Canyon is extensive, he specializes in the connection between the Bible, the Flood, and the Grand Canyon. As a biblical and Hebrew scholar, his background allows him to relate to those of all levels of biblical understanding. Being in the outdoors has formed a major part of his life since childhood. Besides loving to fish and hike, Bill’s activities have included rock climbing, canoeing, wilderness camps, wildlife research with the National Science Foundation, and interest in survival techniques.

Hunter Berggren
About Hunter

Guy Forsythe
About Guy
Guy and his wife Cindy moved to Sedona, AZ from Ohio in 2003, after working as a high school technology teacher for 30 years. In 2004 they founded Crying Rocks Ministry, where they publish a creation science journal that is mailed to every address in Sedona four times a year. The newsletter explains the evidence for a created young earth, and often features technical geology information about formation in the area.
Guy is also a speaker to churches and creation groups, and has published a paper (co-authored by John Whitmore, another Canyon Ministries guide, and Paul Garner) as a result of discovering geological features in the Coconino Sandstone that had never before been mentioned in the professional geology literature, and support the growing theory that the Coconino was laid down by water, rather than being an eolian, dry desert deposit.
Guy was a rim tour guide with Canyon Ministries for a number of years before “hanging up his hat” and enjoying the beauty of the red rocks of Sedona, where he remains a hiking consultant for our team and resource for Sedona geology.

Tom Vail
About Tom
Tom founded Canyon Ministries in 1997 after over 15 years of leading trips through the canyon. He began guiding as a non-believer, gave his life to the Lord and began investigating some of the problems he always had with the evolutionary explanation he taught on canyon geology. As he learned more about the biblical model, creation, and the flood, he found it gave a much better explanation of what he saw in the canyon, and it became the focus of the ministry.
Tom is the author of Grand Canyon, a Different View and co-author of the True North Series, which includes guidebooks on the Grand Canyon, Zion and Bryce, and Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Parks. Over the years Tom has led countless people on river trips through the Grand Canyon, including many pastors, professors, and leaders on our annual Christian Leaders Trip.
Since the founding of Canyon Ministries, there has been tremendous growth and expansion. The legacy of a lone boatman who fell in love with Jesus stands strong to this day, in the hearts of thousands who have gone on Grand Canyon tours and trips for over 25 years.

Eddy Bressler
About Eddy
Eddy has lived in Flagstaff for over 25 years, and is the only one on our guide team to have biked the entire Arizona Trail from Mexico to Utah. That’s over 800 miles! This also includes the portion of the trail which crosses the Grand Canyon, where he carried his bike the entire 22-mile Kaibab Trail, with 6,453ft of elevation gain. To say Eddy is an avid outdoor adventurer is quite an understatement. Just ask him about some of his recent adventure races such as “The Fearsome Four” and the “Hole to Hump”.
Beyond his physical strength, his real strength shines through in the love he shows people, and the personal ways he connects with each of our guests. Eddy’s zeal for life is infectious. He has a powerful testimony of living most his life as an atheist rejecting God, and then coming to faith by the Truth being revealed through creation. Eddy received his Master’s degree from Northern Arizona University in the field of Forest Genetics…and it was the science of genetics that Eddy says, “Showed me that evolution cannot possibly happen at the genetic level. So if evolution is NOT true, then what about this God I’ve been rejecting all this time. Is God the real truth?”
With Eddy’s passion for helping others experience God through His creation, he is one of the most energetic guides that will help make your backpacking, hiking, or rim tour experience one you’ll never forget.

Adam Huff
About Adam
Adam joined Canyon Ministries in July 2018. He moved to Arizona from northern Kentucky, where he was employed with Answers in Genesis for 11 years, and served as the Director of Operations for the Creation Museum.
An avid outdoor enthusiast, Adam has logged hundreds of miles hiking in various terrains at locations across the country. Having a passion for backpacking and camping, Adam is thrilled to be able to serve at Canyon Ministries, where he can combine his love for the outdoors with his passion for creation apologetics. He enjoys exploring the Southwest with his family, learning all that he can about its fascinating geology and history in order to better serve as a guide in the Grand Canyon.

Paul Weaver
About Paul
Paul received a Masters of Ministry and served as a youth pastor for more than 20 years. During these years, he guided backpacking trips for his youth group, men’s groups, and for other churches as well. He served as a full-time rim tour and backpacking guide with Canyon Ministries, but passed away suddenly in October of 2022.
Paul loved the connections that came from being a team on a backpacking trip and enjoyed friendships with people he met on trips years ago. He believed that studying the Bible in the wilderness is a great way to deepen our understanding of God and our relationship with Him. Paul loved friends, food, football, and traveling with his family.
He will forever remain in our hearts and part of our team on the other side of eternity.

Luke Wayne
About Luke
Luke is a prolific writer of biblical apologetics material and church history. Having written over 1,000 articles for CARM, he has a great way of communicating spiritual significance across a wide range of God’s creation.

John Kelley

Clay Miller
Board Member

Gary McCaleb
Vice Chairman

Tom Vail

Kym Varner

Dr. Bill Barrick
Board Member

Paula Vail

Matthew Peterson

Dr. Andrew Snelling