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© Canyon Ministries
Flagstaff, Arizona
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Planned Giving

Join With Us As A Voice In The Wilderness

The seed you sow, and let God grow.


  • Sold real estate?
  • Cashed in an annuity?
  • Have a one-time income increase from a bonus/stock options?
  • Are over 70½ years old and required to make an IRA Minimum Distribution?

Thank you for considering supporting the work of Canyon Ministries. Donations can be a win/win opportunity helping both you and the ministry by providing immediate and/or long-term tax benefits for the donor while supporting the ministry at the same time. Below is the information necessary to make electronic stock, bond, or bank transfers directly to Canyon Ministries, information on making IRA Required Minimum Distribution donations, as well as non-cash and other planned giving options.

If you have general questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. If your questions are tax-related, we recommend you contact your personal financial planner/tax professional. If you do not currently have one, we can recommend Randy Huston, a Certified Financial Planner® with Yellowstone Trust Administration who specializes in Charitable and Planned Giving, and Estate Planning. Randy has no financial connection with Canyon Ministries and there is no charge for his planning services.

All gifts to Canyon Ministries, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, are tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law. Gifts given to a specific program will be used for that program unless we receive more contributions than can wisely be used for that program.

Disclaimer – The information provided here is not intended to be tax, legal, or financial planning advice. We highly recommend you consult your tax professional or financial institution to ensure your donation complies with the full extent of the law. For our full disclosure statement, see CanyonMinistries.org/disclosure
Planned Giving

Securities, Stock, and Bond Transfers

Donating appreciated securities, including stocks or bonds, is an easy and tax-effective way for you to make a gift to Canyon Ministries.

Benefits of gifts of stocks and bonds

– Avoid paying capital gains tax on the sale of appreciated stock

– Receive a charitable income tax deduction

– Further the mission of Canyon Ministries


How to make a gift of stocks and bonds


By electronic transfer – Please download the Electronic Transfer Information necessary to transfer stock or bonds from your brokerage or investment account directly to Canyon Ministries Vanguard brokerage account.


By certified mail – If you hold securities in certificate form, you will need to mail two envelopes separately to complete your gift. In the first envelope, place the unsigned stock certificate(s). In the other envelope, include a signed stock power for each certificate. You may obtain this form from your broker or bank. Please remember to use certified mail.


More on gifts of stocks and bonds
While we are not in a position to give tax advice, you should be aware there are special rules for valuing a gift of stock. Generally speaking, the value of a charitable gift of stock is determined by taking the mean between the high and low stock price on the date of the gift. Mutual fund shares are valued using the closing price for the fund on the date of the gift. We recommend you consult with your tax professional to verify the tax value of your donation.


    Securities, Stock and Bond TransferElectronic Funds Bank TransferIRA Required Minimum DistributionNon-cash Donation

    So we know you're a friendly person, please enter the code below.

    Electronic Funds Bank Transfer

    A contribution by Electronic Funds Transfer directly from your bank or investment account to ours is simple and quick. It can be especially useful when sending funds from outside the United States. Please download the Electronic Transfer Information necessary to transfer funds from your account to Canyon Ministries Bank of America account.


    Donation details

    If you are planning to make a donation of this type, please use the form below to provide us with the details to ensure it is processed correctly.



      Securities, Stock and Bond TransferElectronic Funds Bank TransferIRA Required Minimum DistributionNon-cash Donation

      So we know you're a friendly person, please enter the code below.

      IRA Required Minimum Distribution

      If you are 70½ years old or older, you can take advantage of a simple way to support Canyon Ministries and receive a tax benefit in return. You may use your Required Minimum Distribution (RMD) to give up to $100,000 from your IRA, including your 401(K), directly to a qualified charity such as Canyon Ministries without having to pay income taxes on the money. The transfer generates neither taxable income nor a tax deduction, so you benefit even if you do not itemize your deductions. If you have not yet taken your RMD for the year, your IRA charitable rollover gift can satisfy all or part of that requirement.


      For the RMD to be tax-free, the contribution (check) must be made out to the charity.  It can not be made out to the individual, then sent to the charity.  It will not be considered a tax-free transfer if you withdraw the money first and then make a donation. Different financial institutions handle RMD’s in different ways.  Some send the check directly to the charity, some send the check (made out to the charity) to the individual, to be forwarded to the charity.


      If you are considering an RMD charitable gift to Canyon Ministries, we recommend you consult with your tax professional or IRA custodian to ensure it complies with the full extent of the law.


      Benefits of RMD gift

      – If you itemize your taxes, an RMD can be more than a tax deduction because the donation, called a qualified charitable distribution, keeps that amount out of your adjusted gross income. It can help you stay below the income cutoff for some other taxes and charges.


      – Making an RMD to a qualified charity also keeps that money out of the calculation for Medicare premiums, potentially keeping you from being pushed into a higher premium level.


      – Making an RMD to Canyon Ministries helps further our mission.


      Helpful links

      Get additional information on RMD’s on the IRS Retirement Topics – Required Minimum Distributions website.

      Here is an article on How to Ensure Your IRA Donation to Charity Is Tax-Free from Kiplinger. Run this Google search to find many more.

      There are several tools available to calculate your RMD. Both Kiplinger and Charles Schwab have them, as so do most major financial-service companies.


      Donation details

      If you are planning to make a donation of this type, please use the form below to provide us with the details to ensure it is processed correctly.


        Securities, Stock and Bond TransferElectronic Funds Bank TransferIRA Required Minimum DistributionNon-cash Donation

        So we know you're a friendly person, please enter the code below.

        Non-cash Donations

        Your treasures like real estate, valuable antiques, stamp and coin collections, works of art, cars, boats, and other personal property can make suitable charitable gifts today or after your lifetime. The financial benefits of the gift depend on whether we can use the property in a way that is related to our mission.


        Related use property (e.g., a piece of artwork donated to an art museum) is deductible at the full fair market value. Any other property is deemed nonrelated use property and the deduction would be limited to the lesser of fair market value or your tax basis in the property.


        As a small ministry, we are not always in a position to accept a non-cash donation, but we would love to discuss what you have in mind.  Please use the form below to give some details, and we will contact you as soon as possible.  Or, just give us a call at (928) 251-3000 to discuss the options.


        Thanks so much for considering Canyon Ministries.

        Other Options

        Generally speaking, planned giving options are used when there is a desire to generate a tax deduction due to events like selling of real estate or a business, liquidating an annuity, or in the case of a significant income level. There are numerous ways to donate funds to Canyon Ministries, many of which provide immediate and/or long-term tax benefits. Some provide funds while still living, while others are designated from your estate. Below is a list of just some of the options (click on the option for a summary).


        Beneficiary/Bequest Designations

        Grantor Charitable Lead Trust

        Charitable Remainder Trust

        Donor-advised Fund

        Charitable Gift Annuity


        We recommend you consult a tax or estate planning professional if you are considering any of these options. If you do not currently have a professional advisor, or would like to have a specialist work with your advisor, we can recommend Randy Huston, a Certified Financial Planner® with Yellowstone Trust Administration who specializes in Charitable and Planned Giving, and Estate Planning. Randy has no financial connection with Canyon Ministries and there is no change for his planning services. If you would like to contact Randy, please fill out the information below and he will get back to you.


          Charitable gift annuityBeneficiary/bequest designationsDonor-advised fundCharitable remainder trustCharitable lead trustNot sure

          So we know you're a friendly person, please enter the code below.

          Canyon Ministries

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