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August 8-14, 2025 Grand Canyon Geology Adventure with Nate Loper & Frank Figueroa


187 Miles • Lees Ferry to Whitmore


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Geology and Apologetics Adventure 7-Day Grand Canyon River Trip

Frank Figueroa Reasons for Hope

Nate Loper at Desert View Grand Canyon

Join Reasons for Hope speaker Frank Figueroa and Canyon Ministries’ Nate Loper on a special journey that promises enjoyment for the whole family. Reasons for Hope, the ministry founded by Carl Kerby (formerly with Answers in Genesis) has had a profound impact on countless individuals. Now, we are privileged to have Frank Figueroa from their team join us for this unique experience.

Frank’s own spiritual journey was deeply influenced when he was given a copy of Josh McDowell’s “Evidence That Demands A Verdict” at a Bible study. This encounter led him to a profound realization of the logical and systematic validation of the truth claims of the Bible, ultimately helping bring about his faith in Jesus Christ. Frank is committed to reaching skeptics by demonstrating that God is a God of design, order, and logic.

During this excursion, we will traverse the Grand Canyon, delving into the geological marvels and Flood geology, while Nate provides a biblical perspective on creation and the historical context surrounding us. Frank will enrich the journey by offering personal insights and applications to our discoveries. Join us for this adventure in God’s creation—a journey that promises not only exploration of the God’s world but also a deeper walk with Him.

Reasons for Hope 2025 Grand Canyon River Trip


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