Geology by Day and Astronomy by Night Answers in Genesis Grand Canyon River Trip
Embark on an unparalleled adventure with a unique “Geology by Day & Astronomy by Night” Grand Canyon river trip, featuring renowned astronomer Dr. Danny Faulkner from Answers in Genesis and Canyon Ministries Executive Director Nate Loper. This journey promises to be one of our most popular and enjoyable trips of the year!
Over the span of 7 days navigating the canyon’s waters, Nate will lead you through captivating teachings on Flood Geology during the daylight hours. Meanwhile, as evening descends, Dr. Danny Faulkner will ignite your imagination with captivating presentations on Creation Astronomy from a biblical perspective. Prepare to be mesmerized as you gaze through the specialized telescope we will bring, offering an up-close view of planets and celestial phenomena under the vast night sky.