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Testimonies & Endorsements

What Other Leaders Have To Say

Since 1997 we’ve had the privilege of sharing the Grand Canyon with tens of thousands of people. 

Many testimonies from folks around the world can be read on our Tripadvisor page.
We’ve also had great endorsements from ministry leaders who have a voice in the creation science and Christian world.

Tom & Paula Vail with Ken Ham at the Ark Encounter


“A ride on one of Tom’s rafts is not only wonderful because of the adventure of running the rapids, but also because of the solid teaching received in geology and the Bible. The experience greatly helped me better understand how the Grand Canyon is a marvelous testimony to what the Bible teaches about the Flood and its after-effects. Of all my travels, none has been more exciting and educational. Highly recommended.”

Ken Ham
Answers in Genesis

“This 190-mile trip down the Colorado River on the Grand Canyon was superbly planned and executed. The lectures and discussions were stimulating, the scenery rapturous, the rapids thrilling, the camaraderie rich, and the food delicious.  The spirit of the leaders was humble and helpful. All questions were admissible and serious answers were provided. Christ was always honored. It was a huge privilege to be part of this trip.”

Dr. John Piper
Desiring God



If you can participate in a Grand Canyon trip through Canyon Ministries, do it. It’s part Outward Bound, part graduate seminar. It’s like your first trip overseas, you will never look at the world around you in the same way again.

Gary Ledbetter
Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary

Marcus Ross“The Grand Canyon is far greater than even its name can evoke. It is truly GRAND. In its scope, its
magnitude, and the way in which you realize your own powerlessness before its Maker.  But for all its beauty and power, it is the EXPERIENCE of going down the Canyon, separated from the world above, that brings it all to focus.
It is here, in the Canyon, that you must grapple with the Earth’s age, its history, and its relation to the testimony of the Scriptures. I guarantee that the challenging teachings from scientists and theologians, surrounded by the testimony of the rocks and the river, will spur your thoughts like nothing else on Earth.”

Dr. Marcus Ross
Professor of Geology, Liberty University

Stephen HagueI heartily recommend all to take this trip, whether you believe in six-day creation or theistic-evolution, recent creation or creation millions of years ago. You will be sure to find that all of the leaders teaching on this tour are passionate about the model presented but they are always compassionate and winsome, and never judgmental or condemning of those who disagree with them on any points presented.

Dr. Stephen Hague
Professor of Biblical studies, Faith Theological Seminary

Del Tackett Truth Projet Is Genesis History“The trip down the Grand Canyon was a phenomenal experience for me. The visual evidence of rapid deposition and erosion, coupled with the expert geological teaching “in the field” provided invaluable insights into the local and universal effects of God’s judgment in “destroying the earth by water”. In addition, I am sure that the overwhelming beauty of the canyon itself will forever remain in my memory as a continual source of awe of God’s power and might and grace, even in the midst of judgment. If you have an opportunity to go, don’t miss it.”

Dr. Del Tackett
The Truth Project and Is Genesis History?


Del Tackett talks with Tom Vail about his experience at the Grand Canyon with Canyon Ministries, and why a Biblical creation perspective is so important.

``You will never regret it.``

Dr. Del Tackett & Tom Vail in Grand Canyon

Del Tackett & Tom Vail

Impressions on a River Trip

Learn why Canyon Ministries is the

#1-rated Christian tour in America!

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