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Canyon Ministries

father son trips

Christian Leaders Trip

A time of reflectionIn 2005, Canyon Ministries started a scholarship fund and became a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization in order to provide scholarships for pastors and ministry leaders who could not afford a Grand Canyon trip on their own. At the same time, we encouraged churches and ministries to sponsor a trip for their leaders. The program was very successful. In fact, it was responsible for introducing Jon Albert, our present Director, to Canyon Ministries.
As an extension to that program, in 2008 we ran the first Christian Leaders Trip (CLT). The CLT is designed to provide scholarships for a group of men involved in (or having influence over) the teaching of Genesis. The trip is a joint project with Answers in Genesis and Canyon Ministries, and we raise approximately $70,000 each year to support the trip.
The men who are invited to join the trip are made up of seminary and Bible college presidents, deans, and professors, ministry leaders, and senior pastors from large churches. With the objective of influencing the influencers, we have taken over 200 men from 10 nations on 8-day trips that are not only an adventure through Grand Canyon, but an adventure into the book of Genesis as well.
These are all God-fearing men, but they come with a variety of beliefs on the interpretation of Genesis, especially the first 11 chapters. Some come already believing in a young earth, but don’t have the “scientific” knowledge to support it; some come agnostic about the age of the earth, feeling it doesn’t really matter; others come believing that so-called “science” has proven the earth is millions of years old. No matter where they start, by the end of the trip something has changed, at least for most. The young-earthers are strengthened, those who were unsure are either convinced or see they have more studying to do, and the old-earthers, if not changed in their thinking, come away with an better understanding and respect for those who take a young-earth position on the interpretation of Genesis.
A team of four PhD scholars (a Hebrew scholar, a Biblical historian specializing in the history of geology, and 2 geologists, both of whom have done scientific research in Grand Canyon) provide the in-depth teaching on how the Grand Canyon supports and upholds the Word of God, both Biblically and geologically.
Grand Canyon summer 2013 475I have had the honor of leading all these trips. The joy for me is seeing these men have what I call their “aha moment” – when they see the connection between the Bible and the geologic world that surrounds them. The point when they see that both the Scriptures and the world around them, this giant hole they are in, testify to a global Flood. These moments come during different experiences on the trip. Maybe it is the Great Unconformity where the Flood layers sit directly on top of the pre-Flood formations, or where the Flood layers have been folded while still soft, or maybe from a teaching where the original Hebrew is unpacked and shown to be in concert with what we see around us. No matter the cause, it is a beautiful thing to watch.
Many of these men have written books and/or taught on the issues covered on the trip, men like Dr. John Piper, Dr. R. C. Sproul Jr., Dr. Gelu Pacurar (Romania), and Dr. Del Tackett. While all of these men are well-known Biblical scholars, let me focus on Dr. Tackett for a moment. Dr. Tackett was on the very first CLT, and he says of the trip, “The Lord did a major work in me.” (An interview with Dr. Tackett can be viewed here.)
Dr. Tackett was so impacted by his experience that 3 years after his CLT trip, he came back to the canyon with a film crew to record the “story” told by the canyon. The intent is to produce a 6-part Truth Project-like Bible study on the evidence found in the canyon and its Biblical significance related to the global Flood of Noah’s day. Not only does it include some amazing photography, but listen carefully to the teaching as well. This is an exciting project and I’m sure you will be hearing more about it in the future.
A trailer has just been released for this upcoming series, and I would encourage you to take a few minutes to view the trailer by clicking on the button below.Video Button
The CLT in July 2016 is already full. This year, there will 23 men from 4 nations added to the alumni list. I wonder how many “aha moments” I will have the privilege of witnessing this year.

Tom Vail founded Canyon Ministries in 1997 after over 15 years of leading trips through the canyon. He began guiding as a non-believer, gave his life to the Lord and began investigating some of the “problems” he always had with the evolutionary explanation he taught on canyon geology. As he learned more about the Biblical model, creation, and the flood, he found it gave a much better explanation of what he saw in the canyon, and it became the focus of the ministry. Tom is the author of Grand Canyon, a Different View and co-author of the True North Series, which includes guidebooks on the Grand Canyon, Zion and Bryce, and Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Parks. Tom and his wife, Paula, live in Phoenix, AZ when they are not in the bottom of the Grand Canyon.

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