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Canyon Ministries

Grand Canyon Snow on rim


Winter at the South Rim

Two Reflections upon 2015

1.) People love Grand Canyon!

The joy and excitement of Grand Canyon visitors are the only things capable of filling the vast expanse in front of them.  There is a childlike wonder that hovers over the crowd of visitors and unites people of all walks of life.  Truly, the only thing that can outmatch the splendor of Grand Canyon is the people whom God crafted in His own image.  It’s a deep joy to serve the kingdom at Grand Canyon.

2.) People are drawn to the truth!

It is nearly impossible for people to resist the presentation of the truth at Grand Canyon.  Granted, not all respond in smiles and warm hugs, but their intrigue is undeniable.  We ask the question, “If what we read in Genesis is true, what impact would we expect to see on the earth?”  We follow that question with, “What do we see at Grand Canyon?”  Remarkably, the answer to both of those questions is the same.  We see people either affirm or re-affirm their confidence in God’s character and His Word on every river trip and rim tour.

Two Challenges for 2016

1.) Will the Word of God direct ALL decisions made in 2016?

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding.  In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make straight your paths.” (Proverbs 3:5-6)

2.) Will you trust the character of God even when it doesn’t feel like He cares or is listening?

Jesus and the disciples were in a boat amidst a terrible storm.  The disciples were afraid, but Jesus was sleeping.  The disciples asked, “Teacher, do you not care that we are perishing?” (Mark 4:38).  Jesus calmed the storm and then replied to His disciples by saying, “Why are you so afraid?  Have you still no faith?” (Mark 4:40).  Even those closest to Jesus struggled with this, but Jesus called them out and called them to faith.

Thank you for reading this blog.  There will be a slight tweak to the format for 2016.  You will soon see this section called, “Guide Posts”.  I will still be contributing a great deal of the content, but we want you to hear the wonderful adventures our guides have as they share the wonder of God with as many as possible.  You will hear great accounts of faith and hope directly from the guides.  Be blessed and a blessing!



Jon Albert was the director of Canyon Ministries from 2013 to 2020, and remains part of our development and guide team. His main focus now is on the development of Gloryview Ranch, a Christian retreat in Northern Arizona.

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