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February 2014

Take a moment to Google, Yahoo, or Bing "Creation Science in the news".  Search it in your Twitter account and Google+ account.  You will find no lack of information.  Blogs, tweets, posts, updates, articles, and videos abound.  The information age has become information overload.  But is it really information?  How much of the noise is simply opinionated nonsense?  The ease and opportunity of communication via technology has made it possible to casually purport opinion as if they were fact (that's my opinion, at least).  The cacophony of messages

  These two young men have placed their hands on either side of the great unconformity.  In doing so, they have one hand before the Genesis Flood and one after the Genesis Flood.  One hand is touching the foundation rock that represents the creative power of God who loved us enough to knit us together in our mother's womb.  The other hand is touching the first layer of sediment laid down during the flood representing the wrath of God against sin and yet the mercy of God in preserving

Can you fill in the blanks of these popular advertising slogans? "The best part of waking up is __________ in your cup." "Guts, _____, Ram." "What's in your _______?" Like a good neighbor _______________ is there."   Our minds are filled with bits of information that really do us no good at all.  How is it that at least 90% of you knew that the answers above were "Folgers", "Glory", "wallet", and "State Farm"?  I doubt any one of us ever sat down to memorize the slogans for Folgers, Ram Trucks, Capitol One, or

In John chapter 5, Jesus is providing powerful testimony to the truth of who He is.  He concludes His testimony with words that reveal His opinion of how we are to read and interpret Genesis.  John 5:45-47 says, "But do not think I will accuse you before the Father.  Your accuser is Moses, on whom your hopes are set.  If you believed Moses, you would believe Me, for he wrote about Me.  But since you do not believe what he wrote, how are you going to believe what

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