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Desert-View-towards-the-Confluence-Matte copy

June 2014

As with many great moments in life, this one began as a dream.  It was the desire of one man to take his family on a river trip through the Grand Canyon for the purpose of investigating God's creation and the powerful voice it contributes for the truth of God's character and His word.  Years went by and family got busy.  The duties of life scattered the family abroad and health issues were becoming more limiting.  The dream appeared to be almost unattainable.  But God remembered this man

  My son, Monte, and I recently enjoyed serving together on a river trip.  These feet carried gear, led hikes, provided stability for others as they struggled through challenging scrambles, delivered food and water to weary rafters, and brought the good news of God's word.  Our flip flops served us well day by day, but feet still take a bit of a beating.  Sticks, rocks, and dry desert climate add to the turmoil that feet must endure to accomplish the foundational dirty work they employ.  It's important not to

  To hike the Grand Canyon is a remarkable thrill.  The world that sprawls out before you is unlike any other you will encounter on earth.  To hike the Grand Canyon at sunset elevates that thrill to something akin to that which is reserved for fairy tales and wild imagination.  This picture was taken from hilltop ruins just above the Cardenas and Unkar camping areas in the heart of the Grand Canyon.   The clouds crept over the rim of the canyon which lay over 3000 feet above where

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