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December 2014

Sunset at Mohave Point 2014 is nearly over, but 2015 is just beginning.  There is an odd mingling of emotions this time of year.  At some point, each of us will reflect upon the experiences had in 2014.  Some personalities will dwell here at length, while others will only spare a few moments of backward looking.  Regardless, 2014 will be remembered as it spends its final seconds.  Midnight on January 1, 2015 simultaneously marks the end and the beginning.  As our time in reflective contemplation comes to a close, we quickly transition

Jon, Kathleen, Miranda, Monte, and Melodie Albert "In the beginning was the Word, and the word was with God, and the word was God.  He was in the beginning with God.  All things were made through Him, and without Him was not any thing made that was made." John 1:1-3 "And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen His glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full off grace and truth." John 1:14 Jesus is the One who ties all eternity together.  All

Grand Canyon is a natural wonder.  It inspires people from around the world.  I could spend a lifetime (and just might, Lord willing) exploring its majesty and never exhaust its beauty and awe.  Grand Canyon is more than just a natural phenomenon.  Among many others, it trumpets the power and sovereignty of God. As Jesus neared the end of His time on earth, He announced to His followers that He was about to leave.  John records for us that the departure of Jesus was necessary so that He could

"The Wave" in Northern Arizona I recently had the enormous privilege of visiting the "Wave" in Northern Arizona.  No doubt many of you have seen the flood of images I have shared in various social media forms.  In spite of all that, I couldn't help but share it at least one more time.  Please visit http://youtu.be/OjEiO6D5mzQ?list=UUDVjTUg7S-yh9JQakFcbRsA to watch a video of me walking through the this incredible sandstone formation. The patterns left behind in the Navajo Sandstone are water currents preserved in time.  The swirling lines of stone indicate tremendously powerful hydraulics and

This is a remarkable place to rest for the night.  The cot cradles your body as you stare off into the deep night sky, taking in the vast array of stars and planets, and the milky way.  Sleeping at the bottom of Grand Canyon is an unforgettable experience. The 2015 river season will be here soon.  We have a variety of options for you to engage God's word in a powerful and unique way.  We invite you to join us for 4, 7, or 9 days at the bottom of

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