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March 2015

Confidence in today is largely based upon experiences and lessons from the past. "I can answer this question because I have seen it before." "I can bake this cake because I have done it before." "I can climb this tree because I have climbed trees like it before." "My daddy can catch me when I jump because he always does." Peter appeals to this truth in his second letter when encouraging the believers about God's ability to save and preserve.  The people to whom he was writing were facing tremendous persecution (the colosseum, lit on

On this day in history, March 27, 1775, Thomas Jefferson was elected to the Continental Congress.  Jefferson would go on to write the Declaration of Independence, adopted and signed on July 4, 1776.  This document remains as the foundation of our United States of America.  When was the last time you read the declaration?  Have you ever read the declaration? Click here to read it.  As you read it, you will notice a couple of foundational truths upon which the Declaration solidly stands. "the separate and equal Station to

Moran Point Since the beginning of Canyon Ministries, God has impressed the significance of Colossians 2:8 upon the heart of Tom Vail.  Tom has faithfully shared that verse (and many others) with all who interact with Canyon Ministries.  Canyon Ministries continues to grow and reach more and more people every year.  There are very few days that Canyon Ministries is not at Grand Canyon humbly striving to serve and equip all whom God brings.  Colossians 2:8 remains as an essential verse to engage and understand (and it always will).  What does

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