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December 2015

Two Reflections upon 2015 1.) People love Grand Canyon! The joy and excitement of Grand Canyon visitors are the only things capable of filling the vast expanse in front of them.  There is a childlike wonder that hovers over the crowd of visitors and unites people of all walks of life.  Truly, the only thing that can outmatch the splendor of Grand Canyon is the people whom God crafted in His own image.  It's a deep joy to serve the kingdom at Grand Canyon. 2.) People are drawn to the truth! It is nearly

We share Psalm 104 as often as we can, with as many people as we can. "Bless the Lord, O my soul! O Lord my God, you are very great!  You are clothed with splendor and majesty, covering yourself with light as with a garment, stretching out the heavens like a tent.  He lays the beams of his chambers on the waters; He makes the clouds his chariot; He rides on the wings of the wind; He makes his messengers winds, his ministers a flaming fire.  He set the earth

Let’s look at one piece of evidence found in the canyon that supports the Flood model. To me, one of the strongest and most dramatic evidences of these layers being flood deposits is the folding found in the sedimentary layers. Folds, as the geologist call them, are places where the rocks have been bent instead of fractured as you would see along a fault line. Some of these folds are 300 feet high and cross the boundaries of multiple formations. There are several places in the canyon where sediment

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