2016 River Season
The 2016 river season has run its course. As always, it is nearly impossible to find words that aptly describe the experience. However, one possibility may be, “HOT”. I think a vacation in Antarctica sounds quite pleasant. A balmy 20 degrees below zero is not a terrible thought for me right now. However, the heat never interfered with the joy and delight of what we were privileged to do.
One of the most life-changing stops on an upper river trip is Blacktail Canyon. There are 3 pieces to this stop that make it so dramatic.
First is the canyon itself. Blacktail is a beautiful little slot canyon in the Tapeats Sandstone. The sunlight gets through here and there in just a few places, creating a splendid array of shadow and light.
Second is the geology. Blacktail Canyon cuts through the earth exposing the Great Unconformity. This is the location within our earth that marks the contact of the basement/foundation/day-3 rock and the first layer of sediment brought in during the flood (marking the onset of the flood).
Third is the activity in Blacktail Canyon. It is a powerful experience to place one hand on rock formed during the week of creation and your other hand on a rock formed by the flood. By doing so, you are placing a hand on both sides of the flood and touching earth that represents both God’s creative power and His redeeming work. This is not a moment to be lost in noise and hustle. As such, we give people the opportunity to walk quietly to the end of the canyon (where there is a small pool of water and trickle of a waterfall) and back in silence.
It’s not often that we take the time to reconsider the very foundation of our lives. In many ways it is like our approach to home buying. We investigate numerous houses online until we find a house deemed worthy to go look at. As we drive up, we are formulating our first impressions and determining its curb appeal. This is followed by a much more detailed and thorough inspection. Of course, the most crucial moment of our inspection takes place well below the neatly manicured lawn, quaint shutters, and spacious kitchen. The condition of the foundation is going to make or break this deal. We are wise enough to know that no matter how beautiful the home may be on the outside, if the foundation is bad then we must either consider the cost of mending the foundation or just keep looking.
Once everything looks good, we close the deal and move in. At this point, life takes over and we get carried away by the busyness of numerous schedules under one roof. This means that the foundation (unseen in the every day) of the home becomes taken for granted and ignored. This remains true until something in the home isn’t quite right. Perhaps a door doesn’t shut or a window just won’t open and close anymore. Sometimes a curious crack will precipitously appear across the ceiling or wall. This makes us keenly aware that something is wrong. A closer look at the foundation reveals that a shift has taken place and requires immediate attention. A disciplined maintenance of the foundation could have kept this unpleasant struggle at bay.
The 2016 river season provided the opportunity for 208 people to conduct maintenance on the foundation of their lives. Some were affirmed to find that their foundation was solid and God was equipping them to assist others. Some discovered that a shift had taken place and immediate attention was required.
The 2017 river season is prepared for you to do the same. If the river isn’t a possibility, we are prepared to serve you at the South Rim of Grand Canyon as well. Go to www.canyonministries.org for more information and to make reservations.
Watch the 2016 River Trip highlight video below:
[youtube height=”HEIGHT” width=”WIDTH”]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QppPsjiwhew[/youtube]