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June 2020

Horatio Spafford was a nineteenth-century lawyer and real estate investor in Chicago. He and his wife Anna passed their financial success on to thousands of people in need. Their incredible generosity was motivated by their love for Jesus and deep convictions of faith. God also blessed Horatio and Anna with 5 children (1 son and 4 daughters) whom they taught to love God and others with genuine hearts. In 1871, Horatio and Anna faced great heartache and loss. During that year, their four-year-old son was lost to scarlet fever

Most people are doers. We want tasks accomplished, problems solved, and goals achieved. Our independent and self-reliant minds look to dig in and get it done. In many instances, this is good and required. However, action without thought and clear direction can lead to more problems rather than solutions. As a younger lad, I often got myself into trouble due to a lack of thinking. I’d hop on my bike, strap down my skis, or start to climb before I took the time to consider what I was about

Nearly 7,500 miles separate Tusayan, AZ on the south rim of Grand Canyon and Timnaʿ National Park in southern Israel. What could anyone possibly find in Israel that might connect it with Grand Canyon? Timnaʿ sits in a desert landscape reminding travelers of some sections of the American Southwest — that is except for the clear differences in fauna and flora. As an example, instead of desert bighorn sheep found in Grand Canyon, Timnaʿ offers ibex. However, the landscapes of both regions display similar geological features. No, the Arabah

The question of authority is at the root of much of what we are witnessing today. Who has the authority to determine value? Who has the authority to dispense justice? Who has the authority to dispense mercy? Many in America believe the individual is authorized to determine these things according to their own circumstances and experience. To them, authority and truth are relative and individual. They believe we determine these by our own volition. However, people have vastly different experiences and circumstances. Therefore, vastly different outcomes might be

ALL people are created in the image of God! Jesus chose one of the most socially shunned people to be the first to identify Him as the Messiah! Jesus proclaimed a time of great chaos to be the occasion that the harvest was ready! In John 4 we read the account of Jesus and the woman at the well. Of the many lessons to learn from this event, there are 3 I ask you to consider. First: Jesus went out of His way to travel through Samaria for the specific purpose of meeting

ALL people are created in the image of God! Jesus chose one of the most socially shunned people to be the first to identify Him as the Messiah! Jesus proclaimed a time of great chaos to be the occasion that the harvest was ready! In John 4 we read the account of Jesus and the woman at the well. Of the many lessons to learn from this event, there are 3 I ask you to consider. First: Jesus went out of His way to travel through Samaria for the specific purpose of meeting

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