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March 2023

A tour to Yellowstone National Park is one of the most awe-inspiring places on earth, with its stunning geysers, hot springs, waterfalls, and abundant wildlife. For Christians, the beauty of Yellowstone offers a unique opportunity to reflect on God's creation and the powerful forces that have created it. The True North: Your Guide to Yellowstone and Grand Teton creation tour guidebook offers a wealth of information on the park from a biblical creation perspective, highlighting the spiritual significance of Yellowstone's natural wonders. One of the most remarkable things about

Horseshoe Bend is a spectacular place to visit near the Grand Canyon.  Though technically (and often mistakably attributed) it is not part of the Grand Canyon National Park, which begins a few miles downstream at Lees Ferry.  Nor is it Marble Canyon quite yet.  Horseshoe Bend is in Glen Canyon, and sits about halfway between the Glen Canyon Dam and Lees Ferry. In September of 2022, we took 50 people on an amazing 4-day tour of multiple parks in celebration of the 25 years Canyon Ministries has been leading

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