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March 2024

The Grand Canyon, with its layers of rock and tumultuous history, is a living testament to this truth. It stands as a reminder of God's judgment upon a sinful world, but also of His redemptive love and mercy. In Joshua chapter 4, we encounter a powerful testament to the faithfulness and miraculous interventions of God as the Hebrew Israelites cross the Jordan River into the Promised Land. God commands Joshua to select one man from each of the twelve tribes to take a stone from the riverbed and stack

In embracing the challenge of seeking out our own wilderness, we invite God to speak to us in ways we may never have imagined. Why the wilderness?  Why is it we often see great people of faith, and even Jesus Christ Himself travel to a wilderness place for spiritual preparation, challenge, and growth?  In the hustle and bustle of our modern lives, it's easy to overlook the profound encounters with God that await us in places of wilderness, both in the literal realm of nature and in places where

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