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November 2024

The Spirit of God isn’t something we can see or predict.  Like the wind, He doesn’t always move in ways we understand. I was walking along canyon's Trail of Time one spring afternoon, the kind of day where the Grand Canyon wind seems alive.  Gusts whipped around me, threatening the security of my hat and sending clouds racing across the sky.  I could hear the whisking sound of the wind through the pinons, as their shed needles danced through the air and then disappeared into the depths of

Isn't it just like our Creator to turn what the world sees as a challenge to faith into one of faith's strongest witnesses? One afternoon, I stood at Yavapai Point watching a group of ravens soaring on the thermals rising from the canyon depths. They weren't searching for food or racing to a destination—they were simply riding the currents of warm air with what looked remarkably like joy. It reminded me of Jesus' words about how God provides for the birds of the air (Matthew 6:26), and on this

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