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Canyon Ministries

4 Little Hours


Time is the most valuable commodity on the planet.  A dollar can be replaced, but a minute spent is lost forever.  Truly, one of the greatest gifts we can give to one another is free time that is completely void of responsibility. Husbands, when you get home from work tell your wife to go do anything she wants to do while you make super and clean up.  Just watch the response you get.  Now there’s a significant deposit in the love bank!

So what are we doing with the precious little free time we get?  When we take a vacation, what silent  (yet powerful and formative) messages are we sending to our children?  Is free time spent in a selfish mentality or is there an “others” orientation to it?  How much of our free time does God get?  These questions are by no means some evil attempt at a guilt trip.  We all require some down time.  These are simply questions to challenge the status quo.

Our 1/2 day tour of the South Rim of Grand Canyon is 4 hours long.  I’ve commented many times to many people how energizing it is to witness the impact 4 hours has in people’s lives.  We have watched quiet, recluse skeptics become engaged and convinced participants in conversation.  We have seen people bound away from the tour with a notebook full of information and a camera full of images to be used to encourage their friends back home.  4 little hours to be 4ever changed.

What can you do with 4 hours?  You are hereby challenged to accept the Canyon Ministries rim tour challenge.  The challenge is simple.  Find 4 hours in your week (it does not need to be all at once) to do something with God that benefits others.  Jump on our Facebook page and let us know what you are doing and what God does with it.  Its great to tell the stories of God’s work in and through us.  Somewhere during those 4 hours please take a moment to remember in prayer the work God is doing through Canyon Ministries.

Matthew 6:33 instructs us to seek first His kingdom and His righteousness.  This includes the use of our time.




Jon Albert was the director of Canyon Ministries from 2013 to 2020, and remains part of our development and guide team. His main focus now is on the development of Gloryview Ranch, a Christian retreat in Northern Arizona.

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