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Canyon Ministries

Adventure with a Purpose

Adventure with a Purpose

Adventure with a purpose 1 In the past four days I have hiked nearly 30 miles in Grand Canyon with 30 people from Colorado, Florida, Texas, North Carolina, Arizona, and Ohio. The first adventure was a group of men organized by Dale Armstrong and Focus on the Family. These brave men of God bonded together over three days of fellowship, hiking, and engaging God’s Word below the rim of the Grand Canyon. It is thrilling to share with you that there continues to be humble men of God spread throughout our nation dedicated to loving their wife and children with the servant heart of Jesus. The gospel and the kingdom are the center of their work and play. The ever-changing dynamics of the American culture demand the presence and engagement of these men.

“I desire then that in every place the men should pray, lifting holy hands without anger or quarreling.” 1 Timothy 2:8

Adventure with a purpose 2The second adventure was with Dr. John Whitmore (head of geology at Cedarville University) and 18 of his geology students. Their trip out west was dedicated to the observation and study of the sedimentology of Northern Arizona, including Grand Canyon. We hiked down Grandview Trail to the base of the Coconino sandstone. The students were tasked with finding various sedimentary characteristics associated with the Coconino sandstone and to measure its thickness. However, there was more to the significance of their quest. The Coconino sandstone provides a testimony to the truth of God’s Word and their ultimate objective was to understand the evidence of the Coconino sandstone and be prepared to communicate it to others.

“I call to you; save me, that I may observe your testimonies.” Psalm 119:146

“The Lord is gracious and merciful, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love. The Lord is good to all, and his mercy is over all that he has made. All your works shall give thanks to you, O Lord, and all your saints shall bless you! They shall speak of the glory of your kingdom and tell of your power, to make known to the children of man your mighty deeds, and the glorious splendor of your kingdom.” Psalm 145:8-12

These two different adventures into Grand Canyon share a common thread. Although different in many ways, they were both adventure with purpose. Today is your adventure. Keep your eyes open and observe the testimony of God. But don’t keep it to yourself. Speak, proclaim, shout it from the mountain tops (or roof if you’re an urban dweller) so the world will hear and know that God is the everlasting God of power and strength and is the One who saves.

Join us for a river trip or rim tour this year.  You will find it to be an adventure with a purpose!




Jon Albert was the director of Canyon Ministries from 2013 to 2020, and remains part of our development and guide team. His main focus now is on the development of Gloryview Ranch, a Christian retreat in Northern Arizona.

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