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Author: Bill Barrick

Nearly 7,500 miles separate Tusayan, AZ on the south rim of Grand Canyon and Timnaʿ National Park in southern Israel. What could anyone possibly find in Israel that might connect it with Grand Canyon? Timnaʿ sits in a desert landscape reminding travelers of some sections of the American Southwest — that is except for the clear differences in fauna and flora. As an example, instead of desert bighorn sheep found in Grand Canyon, Timnaʿ offers ibex. However, the landscapes of both regions display similar geological features. No, the Arabah

It’s now the second day of the week. What’s so special about today? As the old saw goes, “Today is the first day of the rest of your life.” We continue to live in a fallen world, but Jesus has made it possible for us “to be born again to a living hope” through His resurrection from the dead (1 Peter 1:3). Because He lives, we have hope. In the forty days leading up to Pentecost, Jesus makes five more post-resurrection appearances. This coming Sunday, Jesus will appear to

In the predawn darkness, the guards continue their nightlong watch over Jesus’ tomb just outside Jerusalem. Suddenly, the earth shakes and an angel in brilliant light descends from heaven (Matthew 28:1–10). Trembling with terror, they fall unconscious. The angel rolls the stone from the tomb’s entrance, then sits down on the stone. Shortly afterward Mary Magdalene enters the garden while it is still dark (John 20:1–2) and sees the stone rolled from the tomb and the guards unconscious on the ground. Thinking someone has stolen Jesus’ body, she

Birds sing among the garden’s trees. Its green space lies outside a tomb with a round stone rolled across its entrance. Close by stands a cruel, empty cross (John 19:41). Dawn breaks halfway through this Sabbath that began at 6:00 PM last night. Blood still stains the ground beneath the cross. How surreal the stillness at Golgotha and the tomb, compared to yesterday’s awful execution and dramatic events accompanying it. There, Jesus’ body lies inside that tomb. Despite the Sabbath, the chief priests and Pharisees rush to gain an

Light from burning torches pierces the darkness of Gethsemane’s garden, a common prayer refuge for Jesus and His disciples (John 18:1–14). Judas arrives leading a large group of armed soldiers. He greets Jesus, goes to Him, and kisses Him. “Whom do you seek?” Jesus asks the soldiers. They respond, “Jesus of Nazareth.” “I am He,” Jesus answers. The soldiers stagger backward and fall! Jesus requests that they not arrest His disciples, thus fulfilling what He had said to the Father earlier that same night (John 17:12). Recovering from their

Peter and John converse with Jesus as He instructs them how to prepare for observing the Passover meal together in Jerusalem (Luke 22:7–16). They leave Bethany to meet a man carrying a pitcher of water who has a room in which they will meet. Around 6:00 PM they all gather in the large, furnished upper room. Technically, on Jewish time, it is now Friday, Nisan 14, Passover (Exodus 12). The lamb for their Passover is slain at twilight and they can smell the meat roasting on a nearby

Silence. Nothing sinks deeper into the soul than total silence. We need time apart from the noise, static, and rush. Time to meditate. Time to think. Time to pray. Wednesday of the Passion Week gets no space in Scripture — not a word. After Tuesday’s confrontation, controversy, and conspiracy Jesus and His disciples must have been drained physically, mentally, emotionally, and perhaps even spiritually. How do you feel today? Are you ready for the coming observance of Jesus Christ’s death and resurrection? When Pharaoh and his chariots trapped Israel

As the sun rises on yet another day, Jesus and His disciples leave Bethany again to return to Jerusalem. On the way, they pass the fig tree and the disciples marvel at how quickly it has dried up. Seizing the opportunity, Jesus teaches them about the power of faith and prayer (Mark 11:19–26). He explains that one key to an effective prayer life involves forgiving others. He knows they need this lesson for today. Today they will encounter confrontation, controversy, and conspiracy. Returning to the temple, Jesus again engages

In the morning sunlight, before most of the village inhabitants have left their homes, a small group of men exits a house in Bethany and they walk up the slope on the east side of the Mount of Olives. For a second day they travel along the road to Jerusalem — this time without the shouting throngs that accompanied them yesterday. Jesus leads the way. Being hungry, He catches sight of a fig tree along the roadside. Although it has leaves, its expected fruit is nowhere to be

Children run alongside the donkey carrying a man everyone recognizes. He had raised Lazarus from the dead (John 11) not many days ago. Crowds of people gather and join the procession (Matthew 21). Their shouts ring out, “Hosanna to the Son of David! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!” (Matthew 21:9 ESV) — phrases taken right out of Psalm 118:22–29. “Hosanna” in Hebrew means “Do save!” This is their long-awaited King, fulfilling Zechariah 9:9. From Bethany, the procession moves to the top of the

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