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Author: Nate Loper

Whereas catastrophic conditions such as rapid burial and an oxygen-free environment facilitate fossil preservation, today's oceans do not support such phenomena. Within the sedimentary layers of the Grand Canyon lies compelling evidence of a cataclysmic event—a plethora of marine ocean fossils. These fossils, scattered and fractured throughout the canyon's strata, provide tangible clues to the monumental deluge that once reshaped our planet. The discovery of marine fossils and the conditions in which we find them within the Grand Canyon prompts a reconsideration of the prevailing theories regarding its geological history.

Just as a river, when flowing within its banks, nourishes the land and sustains life, so too does a disciplined life overflow with blessings for others. In the rugged terrain of the Grand Canyon, where the Flood has left a signature upon the land, lies a profound analogy for the journey of life—the flowing river. Just as a river coursing through the canyon can bring life and vitality when disciplined within its banks, so too can we, through disciplined living, become vessels of blessing to those around us. Conversely,

The Grand Canyon, with its layers of rock and tumultuous history, is a living testament to this truth. It stands as a reminder of God's judgment upon a sinful world, but also of His redemptive love and mercy. In Joshua chapter 4, we encounter a powerful testament to the faithfulness and miraculous interventions of God as the Hebrew Israelites cross the Jordan River into the Promised Land. God commands Joshua to select one man from each of the twelve tribes to take a stone from the riverbed and stack

In embracing the challenge of seeking out our own wilderness, we invite God to speak to us in ways we may never have imagined. Why the wilderness?  Why is it we often see great people of faith, and even Jesus Christ Himself travel to a wilderness place for spiritual preparation, challenge, and growth?  In the hustle and bustle of our modern lives, it's easy to overlook the profound encounters with God that await us in places of wilderness, both in the literal realm of nature and in places where

Since 2008, Canyon Ministries has labored to multiply our Kingdom impact by training and serving ministry leaders through an annual river trip program we call the Christian Leaders Trip (CLT).  God has graced us with the opportunity to be a life-changing resource for college and seminary professors, pastors, missionaries, and organizational leaders who, in turn, can train and equip others for the work of ministry. Through the CLT, we have shared the canyon with over 280 Christian leaders from 28 nations, representing over 130 different educational institutions, ministry organizations,

A tour to Yellowstone National Park is one of the most awe-inspiring places on earth, with its stunning geysers, hot springs, waterfalls, and abundant wildlife. For Christians, the beauty of Yellowstone offers a unique opportunity to reflect on God's creation and the powerful forces that have created it. The True North: Your Guide to Yellowstone and Grand Teton creation tour guidebook offers a wealth of information on the park from a biblical creation perspective, highlighting the spiritual significance of Yellowstone's natural wonders. One of the most remarkable things about

Horseshoe Bend is a spectacular place to visit near the Grand Canyon.  Though technically (and often mistakably attributed) it is not part of the Grand Canyon National Park, which begins a few miles downstream at Lees Ferry.  Nor is it Marble Canyon quite yet.  Horseshoe Bend is in Glen Canyon, and sits about halfway between the Glen Canyon Dam and Lees Ferry. In September of 2022, we took 50 people on an amazing 4-day tour of multiple parks in celebration of the 25 years Canyon Ministries has been leading

We often have a phrase we like to use around here, and that’s “forever family.” With the understanding that this place is not our ultimate destination, but as Billy Graham would say, “I’m just passing through this world,” we have the incredible opportunity to make memories together on this earth—memories that may very well be talked about for eternity. What better GRAND place to make those memories and draw close to our Creator than the grandest canyon on earth? Olive Garden used to say, “When you’re here, you’re family.” Well,

“Last week I did the North Kaibab Trail. It was really busy but beautiful weather and a beautiful trail.  Learned about goals and how they aren't always as important as we think they are. I'll write it down someday.” These were the last words posted to Facebook by our guide, Paul Weaver. Two days later, on October 12th, Paul suddenly passed away from a medical complication while riding his mountain bike on the trails overlooking Flagstaff. There has only been one other event in my life that brought more devastating

Discover the Wonders of Creation Canyon Ministries is thrilled to unveil our vision for the Southwest Creation Center, a pioneering endeavor aimed at illuminating the grandeur of God’s creation through the study of biblical creation science and history. Our center will showcase an enthralling Grand Canyon creation museum, a science research lab, and an education training facility, all dedicated to enriching understanding of the American Southwest from a biblical perspective. Our Vision The Southwest Creation Center will also function as the focal point for our ministry’s daily Grand Canyon tours, river

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