Only 2 Days
The craziness of life can be all consuming. Days roll by like the cars on a runaway train. There are brief moments when we get a break from the fire hose of responsibility and expectation. We cherish those times like the final drop of water on a desert trek. Every day matters and we are compelled by Christ’s love to live in humble pursuit of the objectives of His kingdom. This requires us to be self-controlled so that we can pray (1 Peter 4:7) and alert and so
Cigarette Butt Guy
Cigarette Butt Guy I’ve had the opportunity to travel a fair amount, and from my experience, I don’t see that we (man, in general) have been taking good care of this home the Lord created for us. It doesn’t matter if you live in Los Angeles; New York; No Name, CO; or some third-world country, to some degree all are the same. Trash cans be found almost everywhere. (And yes, there really is a city called “No Name” in Colorado.) Amazingly, one of the things you will find on a
Adventure with a Purpose
Adventure with a Purpose In the past four days I have hiked nearly 30 miles in Grand Canyon with 30 people from Colorado, Florida, Texas, North Carolina, Arizona, and Ohio. The first adventure was a group of men organized by Dale Armstrong and Focus on the Family. These brave men of God bonded together over three days of fellowship, hiking, and engaging God’s Word below the rim of the Grand Canyon. It is thrilling to share with you that there continues to be humble men of God spread
The Genesis Flood – John Whitcomb and the Grand Canyon
Norma and I will never forget rafting almost 100 miles down the lower Colorado River on a Canyon Ministries trip in early September, 2006, with twenty-eight friends under the leadership of Tom Vail. We were absolutely amazed at the sight of thousands of feet of enormous superimposed layers (strata) of rock, filled with billions of fossilized and marvelously preserved marine life! I was raised in a home where biblical creationism was never taught. At Princeton University, I took two classes in geology in which uniformitarianism and evolutionism were the
The Genesis Flood and the Grand Canyon – John Whitcomb
The Genesis Flood and the Grand Canyon By Dr. John C. Whitcomb Norma and I will never forget rafting almost 100 miles down the lower Colorado River on a Canyon Ministries trip in early September, 2006, with twenty-eight friends under the leadership of Tom Vail. We were absolutely amazed at the sight of thousands of feet of enormous superimposed layers (strata) of rock, filled with billions of fossilized and marvelously preserved marine life! I was raised in a home where biblical creationism was never taught. At Princeton University, I took two
Real Adventure
Traversing the wonders of Grand Canyon ushers the sojourner into intense beauty and rugged landscapes. Standing on the rim of Grand Canyon is surreal. Many have shared it appears as though they are looking at a picture and it somehow doesn’t seem real. I agree. As greedy as the eyes can be, they do not contain the capacity to take it all in. The magnitude of the chasm stretches the mind and heart. The colors, smells, and sounds each play a note that synchronize precisely as needed to
Father-son trips – building a lifetime of memories
Over the years I have seen a good number of father-son teams on river trips, and it has been encouraging to observe their interactions as they build memories which will last a lifetime. I’ve seen young and old and those someplace in the middle…all a joy to watch. There was the father who has been on 3 trips with us, each with a son the summer after his high school graduation. All 3 sons now have special memories of their time with Dad in the canyon. Then there was the
“Set-up” Man
God has used sports to teach me many things about myself, others, the world around me, and (most importantly) kingdom work. One significant lesson came through my role on my high school football team. I was a receiver on the offensive side of the ball. I was good enough at that position to contribute to the team’s success. My role within the offense was as a “set up” man. I would make catches to get us down the field, but my best friend got most of the touchdowns. My
Christian Leaders Trip
In 2005, Canyon Ministries started a scholarship fund and became a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization in order to provide scholarships for pastors and ministry leaders who could not afford a Grand Canyon trip on their own. At the same time, we encouraged churches and ministries to sponsor a trip for their leaders. The program was very successful. In fact, it was responsible for introducing Jon Albert, our present Director, to Canyon Ministries. As an extension to that program, in 2008 we ran the first Christian Leaders Trip (CLT). The CLT
Stay the Course
I was recently in the Phoenix airport with the intentions of flying to San Antonio, TX. I had determined ahead of time that I needed to travel to San Antonio. I knew that the trip would require a sacrifice of time and money, but had concluded the sacrifice was worth it. I searched out a good price for the ticket that would gain me access on the plane. Just any old ticket would not suffice. I needed one that would specifically get me to San Antonio. There were