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On Monday I began to share with you the significant impact Grand Canyon has had on me.  Today I land that plane and present the top 2 things the canyon has taught me.  But first, a story! In August of 2008, Kathleen and I found ourselves in a helicopter dropping into the greatest canyon in the world. Of course, Kathleen was riding shotgun because Kathleen always has that sort of favor!  The helicopter touched ground with the slightest of bumps and we clamored out with the same grace and ease of

Grand Canyon is a unique adventure experience.  In fact, msn.com recently ranked a river trip through Grand Canyon as one of the top 23 bucket-list adventures in the world.  That's high praise with which I would agree (granted there are many adventures I have not embarked upon

There is not a canyon because there is a river.  There is a river because there is a canyon. 3 reasons why the Colorado River could not have carved Grand Canyon 1.) The problem of elevation and gravity The headwaters of the Colorado River are at La Poudre Pass Lake in Rocky Mountain National Park.  The elevation of this lake is 9000 feet above sea level.  Grand Canyon tears open the Kaibab Plateau creating a 10 mile wide chasm running from the East to the West crossing (not following) numerous faults.

There is not a canyon because there is a river.  There is a river because there is a canyon. 3 reasons why the Colorado River could not have carved Grand Canyon 1.) The problem of elevation and gravity The headwaters of the Colorado River are at La Poudre Pass Lake in Rocky Mountain National Park.  The elevation of this lake is 9,000 feet above sea level.  Grand Canyon tears open the Kaibab Plateau creating a 10-mile wide chasm running from the East to the West crossing (not following) numerous faults.  The

YES!!! God is really GOOD! Now that we have that out in front of us, let's talk about it.  God is most certainly good, but not because of the many reasons that His followers provide for the defense of His goodness.  How would you complete this sentence? God is good because

Travertine Grotto The Travertine Grotto is a beautiful oasis in the lower granite gorge of Grand Canyon.  This waterfall tumbles approximately 35 feet into the back of the grotto formed by re-deposited calcium carbonate.  Our time spent here is always a blessing to everybody.  However, it takes a little effort to get there.  The rock faces and the rope ladders can be exhilarating for some, but quite scary for others. One particular river runner was very intimidated and afraid of making an attempt to get up into the grotto.

"With upright heart he shepherded them and guided them with his skillful hand." Psalm 78:72 Psalm 78 is an emphatic proclamation of God's power and wonders and the necessity of remembering what He has done. Recalling the wonders of God leads us to a place of worship, surrender, and confidence in Him.  Forgetting what God has done (or attributing His work to something else) leads to disobedience and rebellion.  In verse 72 (above) Asaph states the nature of David's leadership.  He expresses the heart and the ability of David.  David

We had a fair amount of heat on my last river trip.  In fact, it was down right hot.  Finding shade on river right, just below Kanab Creek, was cause for much jubilation and raucous applause as we beached the boats to camp for the night.  The camp was spacious and open to provide a good breeze and it set us up nicely for our playtime at Havasu Creek the next day. We enjoyed our conversation and Dr. Danny Faulkner of Answers in Genesis provided great views of the

Deer Creek Falls The Grand Canyon is available to everybody.  It is one of the most visited places in the world each year with nearly 5 million annual visitors.  Everyone will know that you have been to Grand Canyon.  You will have plenty of pictures and great stories to tell.  There will be no doubt that you visited one of the 7 wonders of the world.  Anybody can visit Grand Canyon and see rocks, water, animals, and people.  What will set you apart from the masses? "When they saw the courage

"The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. The Lord is my portion, says my soul, therefore I will hope in him." (Lamentations 3:23) God is a restorer. He redefines what was into what it is and what it will be.  He transforms, renews, and rebuilds.  This often transpires through struggle.  The caterpillar is made new through the struggle of the cocoon.  There is no butterfly without the struggle.  The global flood of

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