Dr. Andrew Snelling and I host and lead a 9-day river trip beginning April 24th. We have the privilege of sharing an adventure with 17 people from around the world and encouraging them in their confidence in God's character and His word. This trip marks the beginning of the Canyon Ministries river season. So we have 10 days left to prepare. You are a vital piece to that preparation. Will you please commit 10 minutes a day for the next 10 days to pray for the impact of Canyon
This I Know
Desert View The promises of God are certain because the character of God is certain. The depth of our hope is anchored in the depth of God's power, sovereignty and work on our behalf. Our enemy prowls around searching to devour our hope by undermining God's word and weaving threads of doubt. When hope is weakened, anxiety and desperation take its place. But when hope is strong, the believer stands firm and clings to the anchor of God's immutable character and power. The Apostle Paul clung tightly to the anchor
If This is so…
Confidence in today is largely based upon experiences and lessons from the past. "I can answer this question because I have seen it before." "I can bake this cake because I have done it before." "I can climb this tree because I have climbed trees like it before." "My daddy can catch me when I jump because he always does." Peter appeals to this truth in his second letter when encouraging the believers about God's ability to save and preserve. The people to whom he was writing were facing tremendous persecution (the colosseum, lit on
This Day in History
On this day in history, March 27, 1775, Thomas Jefferson was elected to the Continental Congress. Jefferson would go on to write the Declaration of Independence, adopted and signed on July 4, 1776. This document remains as the foundation of our United States of America. When was the last time you read the declaration? Have you ever read the declaration? Click here to read it. As you read it, you will notice a couple of foundational truths upon which the Declaration solidly stands. "the separate and equal Station to
Colossians 2:8
Moran Point Since the beginning of Canyon Ministries, God has impressed the significance of Colossians 2:8 upon the heart of Tom Vail. Tom has faithfully shared that verse (and many others) with all who interact with Canyon Ministries. Canyon Ministries continues to grow and reach more and more people every year. There are very few days that Canyon Ministries is not at Grand Canyon humbly striving to serve and equip all whom God brings. Colossians 2:8 remains as an essential verse to engage and understand (and it always will). What does
The Currency of God
Kathleen and I just spent a wonderful week in California encouraging as many as possible to trust God and His word from the very first verse. We are very grateful to our wonderful hosts, Paul and Eileen Rosenow. Their graciousness and generosity are a true reflection of the heart of God. We returned late Friday night in time for me to help guide a group of 81 people from Phoenix, AZ on a tour of the South Rim of Grand Canyon. Tom Vail, Nate Loper, and I teamed up to present a
I have spent the past days sick. Ugh! Nobody likes to feel the pain and discomfort of some enemy attacking our body. However, as I lay upon my bed waiting for good feelings to return, I considered the fact that a portion of my discomfort was my miraculously formed body defending my health and defeating that which was attacking it. In some weird way, that seemed to help. But that is what our bodies do. God has built a ready defense mechanism into our physical nature. Our bodies immediately recognize
To You From 9000 Feet
Today's blog is a brief divergence from the recent series. Click here to be encouraged by a brief video. It's just me and an iPhone in the middle of nowhere. You are loved and appreciated at Canyon Ministries. Praiseallujiah! Jon
The People who Serve-Part 5
Dr. Andrew Snelling provides life-changing instruction on every Canyon Ministries Adventure. Click here to watch and listen as Andrew provides a brief (4 min.) description of the formation of Grand Canyon. Dr. Snelling serves Canyon Ministries in many significant ways. He serves on the Christian Leaders Trip team, guides a 9-day river trip every April, and is an associate board member. Andrew provides countless other actions of encouragement and support to the mission of Canyon Ministries. I have the privilege of joining Andrew on the river beginning April
Tom’s Sunset Message
A message from Tom Vail, founder of Canyon Ministries, posted in January of 2015