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On this day in history, March 27, 1775, Thomas Jefferson was elected to the Continental Congress.  Jefferson would go on to write the Declaration of Independence, adopted and signed on July 4, 1776.  This document remains as the foundation of our United States of America.  When was the last time you read the declaration?  Have you ever read the declaration? Click here to read it.  As you read it, you will notice a couple of foundational truths upon which the Declaration solidly stands. "the separate and equal Station to

Moran Point Since the beginning of Canyon Ministries, God has impressed the significance of Colossians 2:8 upon the heart of Tom Vail.  Tom has faithfully shared that verse (and many others) with all who interact with Canyon Ministries.  Canyon Ministries continues to grow and reach more and more people every year.  There are very few days that Canyon Ministries is not at Grand Canyon humbly striving to serve and equip all whom God brings.  Colossians 2:8 remains as an essential verse to engage and understand (and it always will).  What does

Kathleen and I just spent a wonderful week in California encouraging as many as possible to trust God and His word from the very first verse.  We are very grateful to our wonderful hosts, Paul and Eileen Rosenow.  Their graciousness and generosity are a true reflection of the heart of God. We returned late Friday night in time for me to help guide a group of 81 people from Phoenix, AZ on a tour of the South Rim of Grand Canyon. Tom Vail, Nate Loper, and I teamed up to present a

I have spent the past days sick.  Ugh! Nobody likes to feel the pain and discomfort of some enemy attacking our body.  However, as I lay upon my bed waiting for good feelings to return, I considered the fact that a portion of my discomfort was my miraculously formed body defending my health and defeating that which was attacking it.  In some weird way, that seemed to help.  But that is what our bodies do.  God has built a ready defense mechanism into our physical nature.  Our bodies immediately recognize

Today's blog is a brief divergence from the recent series. Click here to be encouraged by a brief video.  It's just me and an iPhone in the middle of nowhere. You are loved and appreciated at Canyon Ministries. Praiseallujiah! Jon

Dr. Andrew Snelling provides life-changing instruction on every Canyon Ministries Adventure.  Click here to watch and listen as Andrew provides a brief (4 min.) description of the formation of Grand Canyon. Dr. Snelling serves Canyon Ministries in many significant ways.  He serves on the Christian Leaders Trip team, guides a 9-day river trip every April, and is an associate board member.  Andrew provides countless other actions of encouragement and support to the mission of Canyon Ministries.  I have the privilege of joining Andrew on the river beginning April

Guy Forsythe on the North Rim of Grand Canyon   Guy Forsythe retired from teaching in Ohio and move to Sedona because God made it clear that was the right place.  Guy and his wife, Cindy were unclear why God had chosen Sedona.  But since their move, they began a creation ministry in Sedona called, "Crying Rocks".  Guy and Cindy have stood firm on the truth of God's word by sending a quarterly creation newsletter to every address in Sedona.  These are bold steps that have advanced the kingdom of Christ and

Dr. Terry Mortenson Click here to watch Dr. Mortensen (he is on the back left of the boat) ride through Hermit rapid in 2011.   Dr. Terry Mortensen is a rich blessing to the Kingdom and to Canyon Ministries.  Jude 3; 1 Corinthians 1:8; 6:13; 2 Corinthians 1:21; Galatians 5:1; Philippians 1:27; and 1 Thessalonians all speak of standing firm and contending for the faith.  This is a great description of Terry.  He contends for the faith around the globe.  He stands firm and proclaims the gospel with passion and heart. Terry

Today is the beginning of a blog series dedicated to the people that serve through Canyon Ministries.  Hearts are embodied by people.  Therefore, the people are the heart of Canyon Ministries.  God has been faithful to bring talented, godly people to partner with us in serving the kingdom.  We want to tell you a bit about them and encourage your heart by getting a glimpse of theirs. Dr. Bill Barrick of Master's Seminary teaching at Bridge Canyon campsite August of 2014.   Dr. Bill Barrick has been serving the kingdom all

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