The Fields Are Ripe
ALL people are created in the image of God! Jesus chose one of the most socially shunned people to be the first to identify Him as the Messiah! Jesus proclaimed a time of great chaos to be the occasion that the harvest was ready! In John 4 we read the account of Jesus and the woman at the well. Of the many lessons to learn from this event, there are 3 I ask you to consider. First: Jesus went out of His way to travel through Samaria for the specific purpose of meeting
The Fields Are Ripe
ALL people are created in the image of God! Jesus chose one of the most socially shunned people to be the first to identify Him as the Messiah! Jesus proclaimed a time of great chaos to be the occasion that the harvest was ready! In John 4 we read the account of Jesus and the woman at the well. Of the many lessons to learn from this event, there are 3 I ask you to consider. First: Jesus went out of His way to travel through Samaria for the specific purpose of meeting
Our Refuge and Strength
The best thing we can do, sometimes, is simply to shelter in Him and trust Him to guide us through. Struggle. We all face it. It comes in many forms—physical, emotional, spiritual, and relational. During times of difficulty, we each have our own battles to fight. The weight of those challenges often feels overwhelming. The unknowns of tomorrow, the pain of today, and the fatigue from trying to keep going can leave us feeling weary. Yet, in the midst of struggle, there is a beautiful truth we can cling
NEXT UP: Origins Are Foundational To Life
We live in a broken world. We see the evidence of it everywhere we look. There are many questions. What broke it? Can it be repaired? If it can, how? Why am I here? How did I get here? What is my purpose? What happens when my life is over? Is this all there is? Is there such a thing as truth? If there is, how can we know it? What is right and what is wrong? Who gets to decide what is right and wrong? These are the foundational
NEXT UP: The Next Generation Matters
The generation before us carried the banner of Christ with zeal and sacrifice. That cloud of witnesses is now counting on us to pick up that banner and run the race laid out before us. Likewise, there is a generation following us, watching to see what our lives will declare as real and true. I love how the writer of Hebrews talked about this in Hebrews 12:1-3 (ESV). “Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and sin which clings
Passion Week Meditations — Day 9: Monday
It’s now the second day of the week. What’s so special about today? As the old saw goes, “Today is the first day of the rest of your life.” We continue to live in a fallen world, but Jesus has made it possible for us “to be born again to a living hope” through His resurrection from the dead (1 Peter 1:3). Because He lives, we have hope. In the forty days leading up to Pentecost, Jesus makes five more post-resurrection appearances. This coming Sunday, Jesus will appear to
Passion Week Meditations — Day 8: Sunday
In the predawn darkness, the guards continue their nightlong watch over Jesus’ tomb just outside Jerusalem. Suddenly, the earth shakes and an angel in brilliant light descends from heaven (Matthew 28:1–10). Trembling with terror, they fall unconscious. The angel rolls the stone from the tomb’s entrance, then sits down on the stone. Shortly afterward Mary Magdalene enters the garden while it is still dark (John 20:1–2) and sees the stone rolled from the tomb and the guards unconscious on the ground. Thinking someone has stolen Jesus’ body, she
Passion Week Meditations — Day 7: Saturday
Birds sing among the garden’s trees. Its green space lies outside a tomb with a round stone rolled across its entrance. Close by stands a cruel, empty cross (John 19:41). Dawn breaks halfway through this Sabbath that began at 6:00 PM last night. Blood still stains the ground beneath the cross. How surreal the stillness at Golgotha and the tomb, compared to yesterday’s awful execution and dramatic events accompanying it. There, Jesus’ body lies inside that tomb. Despite the Sabbath, the chief priests and Pharisees rush to gain an
Passion Week Meditations — Day 6: Friday
Light from burning torches pierces the darkness of Gethsemane’s garden, a common prayer refuge for Jesus and His disciples (John 18:1–14). Judas arrives leading a large group of armed soldiers. He greets Jesus, goes to Him, and kisses Him. “Whom do you seek?” Jesus asks the soldiers. They respond, “Jesus of Nazareth.” “I am He,” Jesus answers. The soldiers stagger backward and fall! Jesus requests that they not arrest His disciples, thus fulfilling what He had said to the Father earlier that same night (John 17:12). Recovering from their
Passion Week Meditations — Day 5: Thursday
Peter and John converse with Jesus as He instructs them how to prepare for observing the Passover meal together in Jerusalem (Luke 22:7–16). They leave Bethany to meet a man carrying a pitcher of water who has a room in which they will meet. Around 6:00 PM they all gather in the large, furnished upper room. Technically, on Jewish time, it is now Friday, Nisan 14, Passover (Exodus 12). The lamb for their Passover is slain at twilight and they can smell the meat roasting on a nearby