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Foundations in Genesis Idaho

Foundations In Genesis Boise, ID

Join Nate Loper for various speaking engagements in the Boise, Idaho area for Foundations in Genesis. During this week, 14 different presentations will cover topics on Creation, Flood Geology, the Grand Canyon, and Biblical Archaeology. Apart from speaking at various schools during the day, there are many church events open to the public: 2/28 7:00 pm Calvary Chapel, Nampa: Egypt and the Bible 2/29 7:00 pm - New Life Christian Center, Emmett: Egypt and the Bible 3/1 7:00 pm - New Hope Baptist, Nampa: Grand Canyon, A Lot […]


Speaking: Cedar City, UT

Festival Hall Conference Center, 96 N Main St, Cedar City, Utah 84720

Nate Loper speaking at the Festival Hall Conference Center and Refuge City Church in Cedar City, UT. Science and Scripture In this talk, Nate will be highlighting three main areas of science that support Scripture.  Learn how the geology of the Grand Canyon, Space and Astronomy, and wonders of the human body are a testimony to the power and design of our Creator God. Creation Questions Get answers to some of the most common questions on creation and the Bible during the morning service with Refuge City Church. […]

Speaking: Midwest Creation Fellowship Hammond

Nate Loper speaking at the Midwest Creation Fellowship: Hammond. Israel In Egypt: Archaeology That Supports The Biblical Record Is Egyptian archaeology really silent about the Hebrew people and the Israelites? In this talk, Nate will highlight archeological finds from Egypt that showcase and support the Biblical record regarding the Hebrew people and Israel. Having traveled to Egypt multiple times himself in research regarding the accounts in Genesis and Exodus, hear Nate share firsthand how Egyptology really does support Scripture! Christian Fellowship Church 605 165th St, Hammond, IN 46324


Speaking: Quentin Road Baptist Church

Nate Loper speaking at Quentin Road Baptist Church 10:00 am Adult Sunday School Class: Israel in Egypt: Archaeology that Supports the Biblical Record - Highlighting Egyptian archaeology and artifacts that support numerous biblical events such as the arrival of the Hebrews, the Conquest of Canaan, and Shishak looting Jerusalem 5:00 pm Evening Service: Grand Canyon: A Flood of Evidence - Focusing on 3 main geological evidences for the global Flood as seen in the Grand Canyon Quentin Road Baptist Church 24126 N Quentin Rd , Lake Zurich, IL, […]


Speaking: Midwest Creation Fellowship Antioch

Nate Loper speaking at the Midwest Creation Fellowship: Antioch Israel In Egypt: Archaeology That Supports The Biblical Record Is Egyptian archaeology really silent about the Hebrew people and the Israelites? In this talk, Nate will highlight archeological finds from Egypt that showcase and support the Biblical record regarding the Hebrew people and Israel. Having traveled to Egypt multiple times himself in research regarding the accounts in Genesis and Exodus, hear Nate share firsthand how Egyptology really does support Scripture! Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church 1501 Deep Lake Road Antioch, […]


Speaking: Midwest Creation Fellowship Carol Stream

Nate Loper speaking at the Midwest Creation Fellowship: Carol Stream Israel In Egypt: Archaeology That Supports The Biblical Record Is Egyptian archaeology really silent about the Hebrew people and the Israelites? In this talk, Nate will highlight archeological finds from Egypt that showcase and support the Biblical record regarding the Hebrew people and Israel. Having traveled to Egypt multiple times himself in research regarding the accounts in Genesis and Exodus, hear Nate share firsthand how Egyptology really does support Scripture! DVC Ministry Center 25W560 Geneva Road Carol Stream, […]


Speaking: Missouri Association for Creation

Nate Loper speaking at Missouri Association for Creation Grand Canyon: A Lot of Water in a Little Time  How was the Grand Canyon formed—by a slow process of erosion over millions of years by the Colorado River, or in a short time through a massive flooding event? Discover why many leading creation geologists support the model of the Grand Canyon being formed rapidly by a post-Flood lake spillover and a breached dam through the Kaibab Plateau. Join us as we explore the latest research Canyon Ministries is involved […]


Speaking: Creation Experience Museum

Nate Loper speaking in Branson, MO as part of the Creation Experience Museum Gathering Israel In Egypt: Archaeology That Supports The Biblical Record Is Egyptian archaeology really silent about the Hebrew people and the Israelites? In this talk, Nate will highlight archeological finds from Egypt that showcase and support the Biblical record regarding the Hebrew people and Israel. Having traveled to Egypt multiple times himself in research regarding the accounts in Genesis and Exodus, hear Nate share firsthand how Egyptology really does support Scripture! Meeting takes place not […]


Speaking: Grace Classical Academy

Nate Loper speaking at Grace Classical Academy Grand Canyon: A Flood of Evidence  What geologic evidence to we see at the Grand Canyon that supports the biblical account of a global Flood?  What do we learn when we examine both the rocks and fossils found there?  Learn why the Grand Canyon is one of the best testaments to the biblical events recorded in Genesis 6-8. Grace Classical Academy 2438 E Cherry St. Springfield, MO 65802

Private Presentation

Speaking: The Summit Church

Nate Loper speaking at The Summit Church Grand Canyon: A Flood of Evidence  What geologic evidence to we see at the Grand Canyon that supports the biblical account of a global Flood?  What do we learn when we examine both the rocks and fossils found there?  Learn why the Grand Canyon is one of the best testaments to the biblical events recorded in Genesis 6-8. The Summit Church 1605 MO-125 Rogersville, Missouri 65742

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