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Canyon Ministries

May it Benefit Those who Listen

Ephesians 4:29

“Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.”


How often in life do you get to say, “Monday was fun!”?  Monday, March 24th, 2014 was one of those opportunities for Kathleen and I.  We were blessed with guiding a half-day tour at the south rim of the Grand Canyon.  One of our stops was at Grandview overlook.  As usual, it was quite busy there with eager travelers from all over the world.  Our group had time to boogie around a bit and take in the beauty.  But, after awhile it was time to help explain what they were seeing and how it related to God’s remarkable word.  We gathered out around the stone wall on a flat section of Kaibab limestone.  We were settled about 6 feet below the stone wall where most other visitors gather to gaze at the grand spectacle.  I began to share the testimony provided by the canyon.  As I did, more and more people assembled above us at the wall leaning in to listen.  At first I was speaking just loud enough for our group to hear, but as I noticed the effort others were making to try to hear, I spoke louder.  I began to pray in my heart as I was speaking.  Soon there was no room left at the wall and no one was leaving (likely an additional 35 to 45 people).  I extended my presentation just a bit and made sure to announce where we were headed next and what we would see there.  There were a few blank stares on the faces of the additional listeners, but most faces were bright with excitement to hear the news that was being shared.  As I finished, I noticed people walking away with smiles on their faces clearly blessed to have been able to hear the relationship between God’s word and the Grand Canyon.  To God be the glory.


As I have reflected on that experience, I have been drawn to the Ephesians verse presented above.  Here we are warned to be careful that we speak in a way that it benefits those who listen.  Please pray that as we continue to be a voice in the desert at the Grand Canyon, we do it with respect and honesty and humility; that it may benefit ALL who listen.




Jon Albert was the director of Canyon Ministries from 2013 to 2020, and remains part of our development and guide team. His main focus now is on the development of Gloryview Ranch, a Christian retreat in Northern Arizona.

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