Our Refuge and Strength
The best thing we can do, sometimes, is simply to shelter in Him and trust Him to guide us through.
Struggle. We all face it. It comes in many forms—physical, emotional, spiritual, and relational. During times of difficulty, we each have our own battles to fight. The weight of those challenges often feels overwhelming. The unknowns of tomorrow, the pain of today, and the fatigue from trying to keep going can leave us feeling weary. Yet, in the midst of struggle, there is a beautiful truth we can cling to: we serve a Creator God who, though He does not have to face the same struggles we do, has chosen to be a “very present help in time of need.” In His infinite wisdom and grace, God has chosen to enter into our struggles with us. He is not distant or detached from our pain; He is right here, with us, offering His strength, His peace, and His refuge.
God chooses to dwell in feeble human hearts. He could have remained far off, watching from the heavens, but instead, He came near—near enough to feel our pain, near enough to help us in our weakness, near enough to give us His strength. He desires to give us the endurance and staying power we need to navigate through life’s storms. And even when the path seems unclear or the future uncertain, He is a trustworthy guide, offering wisdom and direction when we ask.
The picture above was taken on our last river trip of 2019, standing on the shore at the mouth of Separation Canyon. This place holds both beauty and a story of great significance. In 1869, three men from John Wesley Powell’s historic expedition faced their own struggle here. With doubts and uncertainties about the journey ahead, they separated from the main group with the hope of hiking out on their own. Sadly, they were never seen again. Their decision to go it alone was a tragic one. In a place as vast and unforgiving as the Grand Canyon, their lack of faith in their leader and the collective strength of the group proved fatal.
These three men, in their struggle, could not see what lay ahead. They were uncertain about the leadership and unsure of the journey. In a moment of fear and doubt, they chose to separate themselves from the safety and direction of the group, thinking they could handle things on their own. Had they only stayed the course, they would have made it to safety. Powell and the rest of the expedition had already charted the safest path forward, and within two days, the three men would have been out of the canyon, safe and sound. But by leaving, they sealed their fate.
In many ways, this serves as a powerful reminder for us today. Often, we do not know the journey ahead of us. Life is full of uncertainty, and the road can seem unclear. But we have a Captain and Creator who does know the way. He sees the end from the beginning and understands the struggles we face. The best thing we can do, sometimes, is simply to shelter in Him and trust Him to guide us through. We don’t always have to understand everything; we just need to trust that He does.
When we face struggles, whether they are personal battles, challenges in our relationships, or uncertainty in the world around us, we have a choice. We can either face them alone, like the three men who chose to separate themselves from the safety of the group, or we can remain close to the One who knows the way, the One who promises to be our refuge and strength.
In our lives, the struggle often feels like darkness—uncertain, overwhelming, and hard to navigate. But in the midst of that darkness, God is present. His light shines brightest when the night seems darkest. Just as a candle’s light is more noticeable in the darkness, so too is God’s presence most tangible when we are in the midst of our struggles. He does not abandon us when we walk through the valleys; He is with us every step of the way, offering His guidance, His strength, and His peace.
Whatever struggle you’re facing right now—whether it’s the ongoing challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic, a personal crisis, a loss, or something completely unrelated—know that God is present. He is the great I AM. In times of trouble, He is your refuge. He is your strength. He is your help. Take a moment right now to commune with your Creator, to seek refuge in His strength, and to trust in His plan for your life. He sees the road ahead, and He promises to walk with you every step of the way.
In the struggle, remember that you are never alone. God, the Creator of the universe, the One who formed the Grand Canyon and all of creation, has chosen to be present with you. And in His presence, you will find the strength and endurance to keep moving forward. Trust in Him, lean on Him, and take shelter in His goodness. For in Him, we find the refuge we need to endure every trial.
“God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.” – Psalms 46:1