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Canyon Ministries

Passion Week Meditations — Day 5: Thursday

Peter and John converse with Jesus as He instructs them how to prepare for observing the Passover meal together in Jerusalem (Luke 22:7–16). They leave Bethany to meet a man carrying a pitcher of water who has a room in which they will meet. Around 6:00 PM they all gather in the large, furnished upper room. Technically, on Jewish time, it is now Friday, Nisan 14, Passover (Exodus 12). The lamb for their Passover is slain at twilight and they can smell the meat roasting on a nearby fire.

Jesus gestures for everyone to recline around the low, U-shaped table — the center of the U is the area from which the landlord’s servant serves the meal. Jesus sits down with them and says, “I have earnestly desired to eat this Passover with you before I suffer. For I tell you I will not eat it until it is fulfilled in the kingdom of God” (Luke 22:15–16, ESV). With that, they begin to eat their meal.

A number of conversations take place around the table. An argument arises over which of the disciples is greatest (Luke 22:24–30). Jesus asks them whether the servant serving their meal is greater than those reclined at the meal.

Then He gets up, takes a basin of water and a towel, and starts washing the disciples’ feet (John 13:1–20). He responds to their dispute by teaching them that the greatest is servant of all.

As He prepares to sit again, He reveals that someone will betray him. Sitting back down, Jesus announces that His betrayer sits at the table with them (John 13:21–30). Everyone starts talking at once, wondering who it is. Peter motions to John (who sits at Jesus’ right) to ask Jesus who it is. Jesus indicates it is the one to whom He will give a morsel of bread which He dips into a dish. He dips a morsel and gives it to Judas (who sits at Jesus’ left). “What you are going to do, do quickly,” Jesus tells Judas. Judas quickly leaves.

Then Jesus speaks of leaving them and Peter asks, “Lord, where are you going?” (John 13:31–38). Jesus reveals that Peter will deny Him three times before morning. Before the disciples can react to all they’ve heard, Jesus takes up the cup of wine and the bread, one by one, gives thanks for each, and invites His disciples to partake (Luke 22:17–20). In this way, Jesus establishes the first communion observance commemorating His sacrificial death.

As the meal concludes, Jesus continues teaching, telling His disciples not to be troubled or anxious (John 14). He responds to questions from Thomas and Judas (not the betrayer), as well as a statement by Philip. He promises to send the Holy Spirit and to not leave any of them as orphans. At Jesus’ gentle command they all leave the room and head out in the darkness to Gethsemane (John 14:31; Luke 22:39). Along the way, Jesus teaches them about the True Vine (John 15) and the ministry of the Holy Spirit (John 16). Before crossing the brook of Kidron to Gethsemane’s entrance, Jesus prays for His disciples (John 17:1–18:1).

It’s somewhere near midnight Thursday when Jesus takes the inner three of His disciples (Peter, James, and John) into the garden to pray with Him (Matthew 26:36–46). The three disciples cannot stay awake and fall asleep. The day has been too exhausting. Jesus agonizes in prayer, alone with the Father. At times the sweat drips from Him like great drops of blood.

Are you feeling exhausted like the three disciples? Have you listened to Jesus teaching them today? He prayed for you, also (John 17:20–26). Yes, despite knowing the severest agony and suffering soon to come upon Him, Jesus prayed for you!



Bill Barrick GuidePosts


— Dr. Bill Barrick

Dr. William Barrick is Chairman of the Board for Canyon Ministries and has been part of our river trip guide team for over a decade. He is a leading Hebrew scholar and served as a Professor of Old Testament and the Director of Doctoral Studies at The Master’s Seminary for 19 years.


  • hanna vince
    April 9, 2020

    In spite of knowing the agony to come, He prayed for us, how very moving to us this is. Thank you again for blessing us so much with these meditations.
    John and Hanna

  • Pam Johnson
    April 9, 2020

    Thank you Dr Bill!! You are such a blessing!! So blessed to have been with you in the Canyon to see and hear about our Father God’s wonderful creation!


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