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Canyon Ministries

Passion Week Meditations — Day 8: Sunday

In the predawn darkness, the guards continue their nightlong watch over Jesus’ tomb just outside Jerusalem. Suddenly, the earth shakes and an angel in brilliant light descends from heaven (Matthew 28:1–10). Trembling with terror, they fall unconscious. The angel rolls the stone from the tomb’s entrance, then sits down on the stone. Shortly afterward Mary Magdalene enters the garden while it is still dark (John 20:1–2) and sees the stone rolled from the tomb and the guards unconscious on the ground. Thinking someone has stolen Jesus’ body, she runs away to report it to Peter and John.

Meanwhile, just as the sun is rising, a small group of women move through Jerusalem’s quiet streets (Mark 16:1–8). Passing through the city gate, they enter the garden. They’re carrying spices for anointing Jesus’ body. They’re thankful to find the tomb already open. They enter the tomb, but the body is absent (Luke 24:1–8)! Then two angels in brilliant white clothing appear to them. One of the angels says, “Do not be alarmed,” then he explains that Jesus has risen from the dead and He will meet His disciples in Galilee. The angel also reminds them how Jesus had spoken about His crucifixion and His resurrection. Filled with a wild mix of emotions, the women rush out to find the disciples and tell them what has happened. Jesus is risen!

Regaining consciousness, the guards report to the chief priests what had happened at the tomb (Matthew 28:11–15). Eager to cover up the truth, the assembly of elders and priests pays the soldiers to propagate a false report. They will claim the disciples stole the body while the guard was sleeping. Jesus is risen!

After hearing Mary Magdalene’s report, Peter and John run to the tomb (John 20:3–10). John arrives first, looks inside, and sees the burial cloths without a body in them. Peter, however, pushes by John at the entrance and goes inside the tomb. He observes something peculiar: the cloth wrapping the body lies separate from the wrapping for Jesus’ head. The cloths had not been unwound in the usual fashion — it was as though the body passed through them, leaving them as they were. Now they believe Jesus has risen from the dead as He had said He would (see Matthew 16:21), though they still do not understand what the Hebrew Bible says about His resurrection. He is risen!


A little later, Mary Magdalene returns to the tomb and her tears begin to flow (John 20:11–18). Looking into the tomb, she sees two angels. They ask why she’s weeping. She responds, “They have taken away my Lord, and I do not know where they have laid him.” Turning away, Mary sees a man who repeats the angels’ question, “Why are you weeping?” Through her tears, she doesn’t recognize Jesus — until He calls her name. Now she believes and returns to the disciples to tell them about her second visit to the tomb. He is risen indeed!

While Mary is on her way to report to the disciples, Jesus appears to the rest of the women (Luke 24:9–11). He confirms the angel’s instructions for His disciples to meet Him in Galilee. However, the disciples disbelieve the women’s reports of having spoken with the risen Jesus. He is risen indeed!

On the road from Jerusalem to Emmaus two disciples discuss the events surrounding the execution of Jesus and the reports that He has risen from the dead (Luke 24:13–35). Another individual joins them as they walk. He asks them why they are sad and what they are talking about. The stranger launches into a detailed exposition of the Hebrew Scriptures concerning the sufferings and glory of the Messiah. Reaching their destination, the disciples invite the stranger to join them for a meal. While they eat, Jesus reveals Himself to them. Amazed and thrilled, they return immediately to Jerusalem to share the good news. Jesus is risen indeed!

While the two disciples are away from Jerusalem, Jesus has also appeared to Peter (Luke 24:34). As the disciples gather that evening, they lock the doors out of fear of the Jewish leaders (John 20:19–23). Suddenly, Jesus appears among them and greets them! They’re frightened — they think it is some sort of apparition. But Jesus invites them to touch Him. He’s not a spirit; He has flesh and bones. He proves it by eating some fish and honey. They relax and express their relief and joy. Before Jesus leaves them, He says, “As the Father has sent me, even so I am sending you.” Then, breathing on them, He imparts the Holy Spirit to them. He is risen indeed! The promised Comforter has come!

Five times today Jesus makes appearances to individuals or to groups of people. Before His death, Jesus told His disciples several times that He would rise from the dead. After His resurrection, Jesus expounded the Hebrew Scriptures and their prophetic announcement of His death and resurrection. Do you believe? Raise your voice in songs of praise. Celebrate Resurrection Sunday. Know that your faith is not in vain (1 Corinthians 15:1–28). The gospel of salvation proclaims both His sacrificial death and His glorious resurrection. Because He lives, we can live (Romans 6:8–11).


He is risen!  He is risen indeed!


Bill Barrick GuidePosts


— Dr. Bill Barrick

Dr. William Barrick is Chairman of the Board for Canyon Ministries and has been part of our river trip guide team for over a decade. He is a leading Hebrew scholar and served as a Professor of Old Testament and the Director of Doctoral Studies at The Master’s Seminary for 19 years.


  • Steve Severance
    April 12, 2020

    He is risen indeed. And what a privilege we have been given to know this truth.
    Thank you Dr. Barrick for walking us through the passion week. Thank you for your heart and insights.
    Blessings, Judy and Steve


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