Desert-View-towards-the-Confluence-Matte copy

Canyon Ministries

River Trip real adventure

Real Adventure

grand canyon rim tour real adventureTraversing the wonders of Grand Canyon ushers the sojourner into intense beauty and rugged landscapes.  Standing on the rim of Grand Canyon is surreal.  Many have shared it appears as though they are looking at a picture and it somehow doesn’t seem real.  I agree.  As greedy as the eyes can be, they do not contain the capacity to take it all in.  The magnitude of the chasm stretches the mind and heart.  The colors, smells, and sounds each play a note that synchronize precisely as needed to generate a resounding symphony of majesty.  Truly, Grand Canyon is a sensory-overload experience.

From within the depths of Grand Canyon, new wonders are discovered.  One feels Grand Canyon when buried by the water of the roaring rapids of the Colorado River or hiking the labyrinth of side canyons.  The intensity of the sun and the shocking chill of the water contribute to the cornucopia of pleasures encountered.  Each hike inside Grand Canyon pulls one deeper and deeper into the treasures hidden within.  Every rapid trumps any attempt by man to create amusement park thrills.  The adventure is alive, feeding the restless spirit of man.
River Trip real adventure
But all this is just a shadow of the real adventure in Grand Canyon.

Only those who have the eyes to see and the ears to hear will encounter the real adventure.  The rocks and trees and shrubs and water are a veil behind which lies the proclamation of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.  The real adventure is the one that takes place within your heart as you come face-to-face with the Creator of the universe.  The transformed heart, rekindled relationships, empowered saints, surrendered wills, and the redemption of a broken life will forever be the real adventure and the true beauty of Grand Canyon.

When you come to Grand Canyon, you will take lots of pictures and videos.  You’ll share them on numerous social media platforms for the world to know you have been to Grand Canyon.  There will be plenty of proof you have been there.  Will there be equal evidence you have seen Jesus?

Likewise, you leave pieces of evidence behind that you have somehow participated in each day.  A check mark on a to-do list, a receipt at Starbucks, your signature on business deal, and a thousand more daily responsibilities mark the path of your days.  What part of your day announces to the world you have been with Jesus?

Your Real Adventure at Grand Canyon begins at www.canyonministries.org



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Jon Albert was the director of Canyon Ministries from 2013 to 2020, and remains part of our development and guide team. His main focus now is on the development of Gloryview Ranch, a Christian retreat in Northern Arizona.

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