Standing on the Gospel
Kathleen and I recently attended the “Equipping Families to Stand” conference hosted by Answers in Genesis (AiG). It is always delightful to spend time with our friends at AiG. In addition to our conference responsibilities, we had time to visit the Creation Museum and the Ark Encounter.
Bryan Osborne (Speaker for AiG) was our private host for the Creation Museum and his wife Marla joined us for the Ark Encounter. There is a lot of information provided at both the Creation Museum and Ark Encounter, but the Gospel takes center stage. The strong Gospel presence at both locations is very well done and helps everyone understand the foundational significance of passing on the Gospel to the next generation.
The “Equipping Families to Stand” conference also emphasized the Gospel which proclaims salvation through Christ alone. All parenting and family structure requires the life, death, resurrection, and return of Jesus as our eternal hope to be at the heart of everything. This is why places like the Creation Museum and the Ark Encounter are so vital to the church today. We all need to be drawn back to the Gospel and be certain that our lives are grounded there. God’s work of redemption in our lives is our anchor in a tumultuous land.
This is vital to Canyon Ministries as well. Our work centers upon the Gospel. We share a lot of information during our tours, but nothing is as important as the bridge we build connecting the Grand Canyon to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We eagerly seek to tell the next generation about the wonders and majesty of God. The Grand Canyon is a monument of stone calling us back to the action of God to defend His holiness and redeem creation. As we stand on the rim of the Grand Canyon, we stand secure on the solid rock of the Gospel.