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denver Tag

Join Nate Loper on a biblical creation tour of the Denver Museum of Nature and Science on Saturday, December 3rd!  This exciting and dynamic tour is will dive into creation apologetics and understanding God's World in light of God's Word. This tour is designed to engage students in the 4th-12th grade.  Adults without students will not be able to attend.  We are limited to 15 people total, so please only one parent per family/group. Meet outside the main museum entrance at 10:00 am. Cost includes museum entry and guided tour.  Bring

Nate Loper to speak at the Denver Society of Creation Title: Grand Canyon: A Flood of Evidence No other place on earth exhibits evidence of the global Flood in Genesis quite like the Grand Canyon.  Learn of the "rock-solid" features found there that support the biblical account.  Then hear the latest in ongoing field research and geologic modeling related to the carving of the Grand Canyon itself. Mt. Zion Lutheran Church 500 Drake Street Denver, CO 80221

Canyon Ministries

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