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Grand Canyon River Trip Tag

2023 Grand Canyon River Trips Begin! Visit canyonministries.org/river-trips for trip information and itinerary. 4/21-4/29 9 $3,585 Answers in Genesis: In-depth Geology with Dr. Andrew Snelling & Nate Loper 5/13-5/16 4 $1,875 Stargazer Special with Nate Loper 5/25-5/28 4 $1,875 Focus on the Family charter trip with Doug Birnie & Nate Loper. 6/9-6/12 4 $1,875 Stargazer Special with Nate Loper 6/19-6/25 7 $3,450 Answers in Genesis: Geology by Day, Astronomy by Night with Dr. Danny Faulkner & Adam Huff 7/2-7/10 9 — Christian Leaders Trip with Dr. Mortenson, Dr. Snelling, Dr. Whitmore, & Dr. Lyon 8/4-8/10 7

Canyon Ministries

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