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We live in a broken world.  We see the evidence of it everywhere we look.  There are many questions. What broke it?  Can it be repaired?  If it can, how?  Why am I here?  How did I get here?  What is my purpose?  What happens when my life is over?  Is this all there is?  Is there such a thing as truth?  If there is, how can we know it?  What is right and what is wrong?  Who gets to decide what is right and wrong?  These are the foundational

The generation before us carried the banner of Christ with zeal and sacrifice.  That cloud of witnesses is now counting on us to pick up that banner and run the race laid out before us. Likewise, there is a generation following us, watching to see what our lives will declare as real and true.  I love how the writer of Hebrews talked about this in Hebrews 12:1-3 (ESV). “Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and sin which clings

It is a privilege to proclaim the wonders of God, but it is also expected of Christians.  If the people of God do not remember and proclaim the wonders of God, nobody will.  When we cease to think and talk about God’s great deeds, we cease to seek Him for our needs, which are consuming and demanding; they will not go unmet. Therefore, we reach for something to satisfy our yearnings.  But if we turn anywhere other than God, we have turned away from life and toward death.  This

In the second part of our NEXT UP: Why Does This Matter? series I want to talk about why the beginning matters.  In case you missed the first part, you can click here to read. I have often enjoyed the Indiana Jones movies.  My favorite was “The Last Crusade.”  The plot of this adventurous movie was to locate the holy grail.  It was thought the grail possessed the power to give eternal youth to those who drank from it.  Indiana Jones desired to find the grail to keep it

At age 19, I was tasked with turning an old building into a teen outreach center.  The building was located near what was known as “Uptown” in the Minneapolis, MN area and experienced many of the typical inner city issues.  Not long after the renovations were completed, we began running various community outreach programs. Shortly thereafter, a small contingent of the Crips gang moved into the neighborhood and began causing problems.  The gang headquarters was located about a block from our building.  Though their activities had not escalated

  “The Grand Canyon is one of the natural wonders of the world.  If we don’t give it a voice for God, who will?” - Monte Albert at age 13  Proclaiming the wonders of God is a privilege, but it is also an expectation.  If God’s people will not proclaim His wonders, no one will! Our world is desperate for hope.  However, many choose to place their trust in themselves or temporary, earthly things.  There is no hope found there.  Hope is the direct product of trusting God and His

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