A Voice in the Wilderness
 Nate Loper - March 05, 2025 The wilderness is a place of paradox. It is vast and untamed, yet it draws us into intimacy with God. It’s a place where distractions fade, and we are confronted with the rawness of creation and the depth of our own need for Him. Both Elijah and John the Baptist found themselves in the wilderness, and both were used by God to proclaim His truth in powerful ways. As guides, we share a unique connection with these two figures. Like Elijah, we stand
Why the Wilderness?
In embracing the challenge of seeking out our own wilderness, we invite God to speak to us in ways we may never have imagined. Why the wilderness? Why is it we often see great people of faith, and even Jesus Christ Himself travel to a wilderness place for spiritual preparation, challenge, and growth? In the hustle and bustle of our modern lives, it's easy to overlook the profound encounters with God that await us in places of wilderness, both in the literal realm of nature and in places where
Into the Wilderness
For 26 years God has given me the gift of taking people into the wilderness to deepen their relationship with Him. The wilderness is a powerful place of distraction-free reprieve and preparation. I have been doing this since 1992, but God has been calling people to the wilderness for a lot longer than that. Moses spent time in the wilderness before returning to lead the Israelites out of Egypt. God called Moses from the wilderness and equipped him for the task ahead (Exodus 2-4). The Israelites spent time in