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Canyon Ministries

The Hidden Canyon at Bridge City

I just returned from another fantastic trip through the lower Grand Canyon.  20 people from around the globe gathered together upon 2 rafts for a brief encounter with God’s heart-melting power.  Camaraderie comes quickly when we are stripped of worldly conveniences and thrust beyond common comforts.  Our love for God and His love for us entwines our hearts inseparably.  The weather was about as perfect as could be asked for and we took full advantage of the adventure at hand.

We camped the second night at Bridge City.  This was one of two additional sites chosen for the construction of a dam which would have turned Grand Canyon and Glenn Canyon into a series of 4 lakes, flooding the wonders we enjoy exploring today.  Settled another 40 feet above the area we were camped is the old “city” constructed to house the engineers and workers that would participate in the dam project.  There were a number of us curious enough to explore the past via what remained of the some 60 year-old city.  It wasn’t much more than a pile of rubble, but it made for a good hike.  It would have been easy to be satisfied with the initial discovery of the Bridge City remains.  However, our curiosity was yet to be satiated so we explored on.  Our efforts were rewarded with an obscure canyon directly behind the city.  It was quite imperceptible from the river and remained recluse until we were directly upon it.  Its discovery brought a bolt of adrenaline through us all as we darted within its confines eager to encounter all that was there.  We climbed, jumped, and stretched our way as far as we could.  Along the way we were greeted by pool after pool of water teaming with tadpoles and small frogs.  The rocks were polished from recent flash floods revealing splendid color and texture.  We finally gathered to catch our breath and soak up the beauty around us.  It was impossible not to silently grin as we stood miles from anything resembling modern civilization.  We were universally pleased that we had chosen to put in the extra effort to see what was just beyond the bend of Bridge City.

Proverbs 2 begins with a call to search for wisdom.  “My son, if you accept my words and store up my commands within you, turning your ear to wisdom and applying your heart to understanding, and if you call out for insight and cry aloud for understanding, and if you look for it as for silver and search for it as for hidden treasure, then you will understand the fear of the Lord and find the knowledge of God.”  There is a delight and joy at the very surface of God’s word and heart.  But, there are depths of love and knowledge and wisdom to be gained when we take the time and effort to go beyond and dig deeper.  The Bereans were considered of more noble character because they searched the scriptures daily.  What hidden canyon will you discover today?




Jon Albert was the director of Canyon Ministries from 2013 to 2020, and remains part of our development and guide team. His main focus now is on the development of Gloryview Ranch, a Christian retreat in Northern Arizona.

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