The People who Serve – Part 1
Today is the beginning of a blog series dedicated to the people that serve through Canyon Ministries. Hearts are embodied by people. Therefore, the people are the heart of Canyon Ministries. God has been faithful to bring talented, godly people to partner with us in serving the kingdom. We want to tell you a bit about them and encourage your heart by getting a glimpse of theirs.
Dr. Bill Barrick of Master’s Seminary teaching at Bridge Canyon campsite August of 2014.
Dr. Bill Barrick has been serving the kingdom all over the world. He spent many years as a missionary in Bangladesh, speaks nationally and internationally, written numerous books and articles, and currently teaches (supposedly partially retired) at Master’s Seminary in California.
Bill serves Canyon Ministries as an associate board member and as a river guide. He and I lead a 4-day river trip every August that places an even brighter spotlight on the Biblical issues related to interpretation of Genesis. Bill is also an integral piece of the Christian Leaders Trip team and helps guide that river trip each year in July.
In a recent conversation, Bill had this to say about the work God is doing in his heart and the nature of his involvement in Canyon Ministries.
What verse or passage is God currently impressing upon your heart and how is it making an impact?
1 Corinthians 16:13, four imperatives for men: For this New Year I am not making resolutions, but merely performing a self-evaluation on these four areas and praying for God to enable me to make significant progress in all four.
1. “Be on the alert”—be aroused from sleep, be awake, active, alive. We must be aware of what is happening around us in our lives, our homes, our churches, and our ministries.
2. “Stand firm in the faith”—persist, persevere, maintain allegiance to the content of our faith, which we have received. Be unwavering, steadfast, faithful to God’s inerrant Word and to Jesus Christ.
3. “Act like men”—be brave, bold, manly. Do not be a coward and unwilling to do what is right no matter the cost. Lead, don’t run away. Be a good soldier of Jesus Christ, enduring all necessary hardship. Press forward like an athlete. Persevere with patience and hard work like a farmer.
4. “Be strong”—don’t just be strong, become stronger. Keep on growing in the Word. Stay in daily training in the Word, prayer, and service. I must not be satisfied with my spiritual condition—I must always be improving and becoming stronger and more spiritually fit.
Why do you participate in Canyon Ministries?
I participate in Canyon Ministries because I am convinced that its mission to proclaim and to instruct others in the significant foundational truths of Genesis 1–11 are desperately needed in a fallen world bent on either running away from or perverting or destroying those truths. If the foundations are destroyed, the whole structure of our faith is imperiled. Canyon Ministries provides wonderful, irenic, joyful, and powerful opportunities on the river and on the rim to build strong believers, challenge doubters, proclaim the gospel, and praise our marvelous Creator.
Why should others go on a river or rim tour with Canyon Ministries?
Everyone contemplates key life questions like “Where did we come from?” or “Can I trust God and His Word?” or “Does God really care about me?” These trips and tours provide some answers from the inerrant written Word of God and from the supporting evidence that the Grand Canyon displays in such a beautiful fashion. The union of Bible and canyon offer people the opportunities to join the conversation that glorifies our caring Creator, our righteous Judge, and our glorious Savior. The outdoor classroom allows everyone to relax, enjoy the fellowship, and view with their own eyes the awesome results of God’s Creation, His Judgment (by means of the global Flood), and His Restoration of a judged world to its present beauty—just think what He can do in restoring the fallen sinner and making him or her into a trophy of His beautiful and wondrous mercy and grace!
Thank you, Bill for your faithful commitment to God, your wife (Barb), and to Canyon Ministries!
Prayer Request: Please join us in prayer for the river trips to fill and for the rim tours to be full and vibrant. Check out this link for a quick glimpse of river life.
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