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Canyon Ministries

The People who Serve – Part 4

Guy Forsythe on the North Rim of Grand Canyon


Guy Forsythe retired from teaching in Ohio and move to Sedona because God made it clear that was the right place.  Guy and his wife, Cindy were unclear why God had chosen Sedona.  But since their move, they began a creation ministry in Sedona called, “Crying Rocks”.  Guy and Cindy have stood firm on the truth of God’s word by sending a quarterly creation newsletter to every address in Sedona.  These are bold steps that have advanced the kingdom of Christ and honored the sovereignty of God.

Guy serves Canyon Ministries as a guide on the rim.  Guy is great with people and presents the geology of Grand Canyon with clarity and humor.  We have come to believe that one of Guy’s favorite things to do is smile because he’s always doing it.

Guy had the following things to share in a recent email.

What verse or passage is God currently impressing upon your heart and how is it making an impact?

Leviticus 20:26  Thus you are to be holy to Me, for I the Lord am holy; and I have set you apart from the peoples to be Mine.

 I have spent the last week or so in Leviticus. In several places the Israelites are told to be holy because God is holy. They are to avoid adapting the ways of the people around them, and instead be holy. This week it has struck me at deeper level that I am not holy and I must pray that God will bless me by making me more holy, less in pursuit of what the world pursues.

Why do you participate in Canyon Ministries?

People need the opportunity to see the canyon as it really is. Pictures and books don’t do it. You can’t just view the canyon, you have to experience it. Canyon Ministries gives you the opportunity to experience it in the true Godly context. My picture is actually from the north rim of the canyon… in April of 2004, before the north rim was open for the summer season. I had day-hiked up from Cottonwood campground 8 trail miles and 4000 below the picture location. I had lived in Arizona for less than a year and it was my 53rd birthday. That day I had the place to myself and first realized how the canyon opens one’s mind and heart to God.

Why should others go on a river or rim tour with Canyon Ministries?

There is nothing like the canyon to bring to life
1) that flood geology is the real deal. You walk among it. You can see it clearly.
2) that to see God we must stop the daily business and gaze in wonder at the beauty resulting form His holiness… the judgment of the flood of Noah
Canyon Ministries gives one the time and the devotions and the facts to accomplish both, whether on the rim or on the river.



Jon Albert was the director of Canyon Ministries from 2013 to 2020, and remains part of our development and guide team. His main focus now is on the development of Gloryview Ranch, a Christian retreat in Northern Arizona.

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