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Tours Search

$159 / per adult

Youth $89 | Child $69 | Dinosaur Tracks, Native Pueblo Ruins, and Cinder Cone Volcanoes full-day adventure!

$179 / per adult

Youth $109 | Child $89 | Grand Canyon, Wupatki Native American Indian Ruins, and Sunset Crater Volcano.

$129 / per adult

Youth $89 | Child $69 | Enjoy fewer crowds and watch as the long shadows give way, illuminating the canyon’s depths.

Grand Canyon Sunset Tour Family Most Popular our most popular
$129 / per adult

Youth $89 | Child $69 | Witness the spectacular beauty of the Grand Canyon’s changing colors during a Sunset Rim Tour.

1 Review
$129 $99 / per adult

Youth $59 | Child $49 | Hand's on Flood geology Trail of Time Walking Tour concluding with the Sunset.

$169 / per adult

Youth $159 | 5 to 6-hour hiking tour into the canyon down the historic South Kaibab Trail to Cedar Ridge. 3.1 miles round-trip.

Canyon Ministries

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