Train Day! – New Train and Sunset Tours!
There are many exciting ways to interact with the geology and history of Grand Canyon. Rafting and hiking the Canyon appeals to the adventure seekers of the world and never disappoints. Exploring the rim of Grand Canyon by car, bus, foot, or bike is exceptionally breath-taking, but does not require the level of adventure associated with hiking and rafting. Straddling the back of a mule is another entertaining option for canyon exploration.
Tourism at Grand Canyon got a mammoth boost in September of 1901 when the Santa Fe Railroad extended a spur line connecting the tiny town of Williams with Grand Canyon. This new line began bringing visitors by the thousands to the South Rim. That same line is open to tourists today, piloting the southwest sojourner into the past with live entertainment, food, and a unique traveling community.
Canyon Ministries has established an exciting partnership with Grand Canyon Railway to give you a very comprehensive and adventure-filled day at Grand Canyon. We recently spent a day on the train to get to know the joys it provides. We were blessed with engaging historical narratives, great musical talent, food and drink, and making new friends. The “County Marshal” (Wilby Justice) visited each train “ensuring” the safety of the passengers. The host on each car provided exceptional care for the travelers and was liberally fortified with nifty jokes and one-liners.
Grand Canyon simultaneously rouses both silence and a litany of words. Copious volumes have been filled with the efforts made to suitably portray the scenes and emotions the visitor encounters. Countless hours have been consumed, quietly regarding the far reaches of the marvel revealed. Grand Canyon is also a great meeting place. Over 5 million people from all over the world converge upon this boundless landscape every year.
The gathering of cultures and awe-inspiring vistas generate a brilliant awareness of what it will be like in heaven. Undoubtedly, Grand Canyon cannot fully break down the barriers of a fallen world, or rival the beauty of the presence of God, but it is a glimpse of the glorious tapestry of the saints in heaven. It won’t be the county marshal watching over us, but the King of Kings. He will usher the church into the presence of God, where there will be no division caused by skin tone, socioeconomic status, arrogance, or pride. We will finally be one, just as Jesus and the Father are one. This will finally fulfill the prayer of Jesus that night in the garden over 2000 years ago.
“…that they may all be one, just as you, Father, are in me, and I in you, that they also may be in us, so that the world may believe that you have sent me.” John 17:21
We want you to be a part of the “grand” community. Hop on board! The train is leaving the station!