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Canyon Ministries

What the Canyon has Taught me (Part Two)


On Monday I began to share with you the significant impact Grand Canyon has had on me.  Today I land that plane and present the top 2 things the canyon has taught me.  But first, a story!

In August of 2008, Kathleen and I found ourselves in a helicopter dropping into the greatest canyon in the world. Of course, Kathleen was riding shotgun because Kathleen always has that sort of favor!  The helicopter touched ground with the slightest of bumps and we clamored out with the same grace and ease of all helicopter rookies.  We made our way down to the river and stood in complete disbelief of where we were.  That first day at the bottom of Grand Canyon was a shock to my eyes, mind, and soul (not to mention my skin…man it was hot).  We rafted, climbed, jumped, hiked, and laughed our way down the Colorado River.  We spent that first night just below Diamond Creek at a campsite called “Truck Seat.”  My eyeballs boiled inside my head due to the most insane heat imaginable, but I really didn’t care.  I was sleeping under the stars at the bottom of Grand Canyon.

The next morning we made our way down river and hauled ourselves up into the most amazing grotto I had ever seen.  To be honest, at that point in my life it was the only grotto I had seen.  Regardless, it was breathtaking! The hidden gem of the grotto was a 40 foot waterfall deep inside.  It was hard to conceive  this was really happening.  Kathleen and I submerged ourselves within that waterfall and had our picture taken.  This just had to be remembered and cherished for the rest of our life.

That picture now sits prominently displayed in our living room. It takes but a glance to immediately return me to that time and place.  However, the one thing that shines the brightest in the picture is Kathleen’s radiant smile.  This illustrates one of the top two things the canyon has taught me.

There is no language deep enough for God’s creation, but people are knit together in His image.

By God’s grace, I have been privileged to serve, care for, and guide people in the wilderness for nearly 25 years.  In that time God has unveiled before my eyes beauty  I am unable to describe in any language I know (which, of course, is only english).  I have found that words simply do not possess the ability to express the richness of God’s creation.  However, it is the people with whom I have served and traveled who reflect the greater glory of God.  Only the race of Adam is created in the image of God.  God set eternity in the heart of man and wove into the depths of our being an innate drive to be with Him and each other.  Jesus reflected this truth in His response to the question regarding the greatest commandment.  He said we are to love the Lord God with all of our heart, soul, mind, and strength and to love our neighbor.  Life is neither about me nor the beauties I see.  It will always be about how I love God by loving and serving the people around me.

The final thing I have learned is closely tied to the previous.

Family runs deep!

It is said that when you traverse through Grand Canyon upon the waters of the Colorado River you gain a whole new set of ancestors.  An ancestor is anyone who ran the canyon before you.  This is not mere literary hyperbole intended to spark the fires of your heart.  It is true. There is a kindred bond shared by those who have immersed themselves in the depths of Grand Canyon, explored its hidden secrets, and passed through the gauntlet of rapids.  Just the other day I was at a gas station with the Canyon Ministries tour bus.  A bubbly, cheerful voice got my attention and I turned to see a lady standing there with a broad grin on her face.  She asked me if I was a guide to which I responded that I was.  She smiled even bigger and said, “So am I!  I’ll share this with you.”  She handed me a can of coke that said, “friend” on it, gave me a hug, and went on her way. Family!

As strong as the bond amidst river runners is, it pales in comparison to the family of God.  We have ancestors who have gone before us contending for the faith.  They expect that we will carry the torch, raise the banner, and keep the hope!  The Hebrew author says it like this.

“Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God.” (Hebrews 12:1-2)

Love the bride of Christ!  Christ died for her…blemishes and all! Let’s run, friends!  Let’s run to win!  We are comrades!  We are teammates! We are FAMILY!

The Kingdom First!


Jon Albert was the director of Canyon Ministries from 2013 to 2020, and remains part of our development and guide team. His main focus now is on the development of Gloryview Ranch, a Christian retreat in Northern Arizona.

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