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The very absence of human fossils serves as a powerful reminder of God's declared purpose to "blot out man from the face of the earth" while preserving clear evidence of His judgment through the billions of marine fossils entombed in the rock layers. The Missing Humans: Understanding the Fossil Record Through a Biblical Lens When examining the rock layers of the Grand Canyon and other geological formations worldwide, a common question arises: "Why don't we find human fossils in the rock layers laid down by the Flood?" The answer reveals

Just as the layers of rock in the canyon tell a story of upheaval and transformation, so too does the gospel narrative speak of God's relentless pursuit of humanity's redemption. Every year, millions of people flock to the Grand Canyon, drawn by its breathtaking beauty and awe-inspiring landscape. Yet, beneath its majestic surface lies a story of cataclysmic events, a story rooted in the pages of Genesis. This landscape holds a profound message, embedded within the canyon's very rocks, reminding us of God's power to bring forth beauty from

Whereas catastrophic conditions such as rapid burial and an oxygen-free environment facilitate fossil preservation, today's oceans do not support such phenomena. Within the sedimentary layers of the Grand Canyon lies compelling evidence of a cataclysmic event—a plethora of marine ocean fossils. These fossils, scattered and fractured throughout the canyon's strata, provide tangible clues to the monumental deluge that once reshaped our planet. The discovery of marine fossils and the conditions in which we find them within the Grand Canyon prompts a reconsideration of the prevailing theories regarding its geological history.

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